June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary A Tour Of Maupin Elementary Welcome To Maupin Elementary
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary The Office Meet our Principal Ms. Jones. You can tell the office anything that is important about you.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Uniform Not our uniform
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Uniforms Always have a Khaki, Navy or Black pants or skirts.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Uniforms Always wear a white, light blue,navy blue, black with Maupin logo and Red with Maupin logo shirt.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Uniform You MUST always have a belt on. ALWAYS have on socks.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Uniform No Heels, No Heelys, No open toe shoes.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary The Family Resource Center In the middle of this slide, our coordinator Mrs. Sue Carmouche.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary The Family Resource Center The FRC will provide you with clean clothes.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary The Family Resource Center If you need an ice pack, the FRC will give you one.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary The Family Resource Center If you loose something at school, they have a lost and found.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary The Gym The gym is one of our special areas. The teachers name is Ms. Hatley.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary The Gym The gym will teach you all about Physical Fitness, eating right, health, and good exercise.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Arts and Humanties You will learn about Drama, Music and different types of art.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Science Lab Welcome to the science lab. Our teacher is Mrs. Rhodes.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Science Lab You can do different types of experiments. You can learn about the food chain and many different types of critters. Earthworms Anoles
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Library In Library you can learn about the Dewey Decimal System. You can check out books. You can purchase books at the book fair. Our teachers name is Mrs. Jamey
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Computer Lab New Computer Lab PC/Windows XP.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Computer Lab Our teachers name is Mrs. Davis- Watkins. You will learn how to use : Microsoft word processing Microsoft excel spreadsheet Microsoft powerpoint
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Cheerleaders Our coaches are Ms. Runyon, Mrs. Herberger, and Ms. Risch.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Basketball Our coaches are Mr. Fred head coach Mr. Don (assistant coach).
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Academic Team The coach is Mrs. Rhodes. They practice on Mondays. Last school year was the first year of having an Academic Team at Maupin. It was a successful year!
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary The STLP helps students and teachers with software and applications. STLP Coordinator is Mrs. Davis- Watkins.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary We create instructional projects for K- 2 students. We create websites for 4 th grade science.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary And this summer Cassondra Perkins and Daviona Duncan went to the STLP Camp at U of L.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary We went to the U of L Planetarium on June 4 th 2007 Also we went to the U of L Library on June 5 th 2007 And then we went to the Speed School on June 6 th 2007
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Cafeteria Stay in your assigned seat Dont throw food Always use voice level 1(whisper). Always use voice level 2(conversation).
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary CHAMPS CHAMPS are School Wide rules for Good Behavior and Learning.
June 5,2007 Maupin Elementary Credits The Maupin Student Technology Leaders 1312 Maupin Elementary Louisville, Kentucky Student Technology Leadership Program