Getting to Accountability SDCOE ASSETs Reporting & Evaluation Training April 2015
Accountability Meeting Quality Standards Map to reach our goal Fed Requirements State Requirements Access to materials Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015 TRAINING OBJECTIVES
How do we start? The Basics Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015 Not the attendance report 2 EVALUATION reports 2 Agencies Due Fall and Winter 2015 Hoffman Clark submits all reports on behalf of SDCOE.
Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015 Watch for useful data along the way! Assemble the team Understand when data is needed The map is not the territory! Use your help!! SDCOE and Hoffman Clark Data Details
GRANT DEADLINE #1 Due to: US Department of Education (via CDE) Federal 21CLCC Report Annual Performance Report SPREADSHEET DUE to HCA Early September 2015 Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
GRANT DEADLINE #2 Due to: California Department of Education (CDE) Statewide Accountability Evaluation SPREADSHEET DUE to HCA Early Fall 2015 REPORT DUE to State Early December (submitted by HCA) Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
Assemble the team! District Contact Site Coordinator Data entry Tech personnel District data person Outside data service provider Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
Your job as training participant Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
FAQ #1 What is JOB 1? Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015 Database clean up….
Where do I find the spreadsheet? Hoffman Clark + Associates
Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
FAQ #2 What dates to use to run reports? July 01, 2014 To June 30, 2015 Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
Check everything is up to date! GRANTEE PROFILE Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
FAQ #3 What are the data details to clean up? Student Demographics Who is attending? How many? Grade levels Gender Ethnicity LEP Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
Use Missing Demographics Summary to find out which students are missing information. Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
If present...mark present Use Missing Attendance Report Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
More details… What is your program providing? Activities not entered will not be counted. Need to make Sure to categorize them! Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
Activity Information- Cannot leave service category blank. Other is not a service Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
Who is staffing your program? Activities without staff are a issue Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
FAQ #4 How to test if data is cleaned and complete? Under Reports Run State Accountability report Check Intake Dates Check student IDs You should not have data in Regular School Attendance Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
State Report - CDE: For each student in the program: COLUMNREQUIRED DATA 1. High School NameList each high school funded in 2013– CDS CodeList the County-District-School (CDS) code assigned to each high school as a 14–digit code (XX-XXXXX-XXXXXXX), including dashes. 3. Statewide Student Identifier (SSID)Report each student's 10–digit numeric SSID (XXXXXXXXXX). SSIDs are now a state requirement for all students. Note: Do not list student names on this form. 4. Program Intake Date (PID)Report the date (MM/DD/YYYY) the student entered the after school program, through June 30, If the day of the month is unknown, use the first day of the month (MM/01/YYYY). Note: This is the first day the student started the After School Program (ASP) at your school, e.g., if you have an eleventh grade student in your ASP in 2013–14, but they started your ASP when they were in tenth grade, the "Program Intake Date" is the date they started the program in tenth grade. Once this date is established, it doesn’t change if you report this student in your ASP in subsequent years. 5. Grade in School (9–12)Enter the grade level (9–12) of the student during 2013– Days Attended Regular SchoolReport how many days the student attended the regular school day during the 2013–14 school year. 7. Days Attended ASSETs ProgramReport how many days the student attended the ASSETs program during the 2013–14 school year. This is your spreadsheet info
CDE Spreadsheet(not updated) Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
So what are timeline to be on track? Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015 PARTNER INFO- MAY 15 th, 2015 Run EXCLUSION REPORT. Run MISSING ATTENDANCE REPORT. Everything should be in your database by... July 31, 2015
FAQ #5 Where do I go for help? Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015
Don’t forget technical assistance from Cityspan Youth Services! Hoffman Clark + Associates
FAQ #5 What should I do to get all data completed by deadline? Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015 By August, if not sooner... Download your excel file and work with your district /outside data contractor for completion. Contact us if you have issues
Contact Info Hoffman Clark + Associates
Hoffman Clark + Associates 2015 Together we will arrive at the treasure!!! Questions???