Win32 Programming Lesson 16: Virtual Memory
Where are we? We’ve covered the theory of Windows memory, and poked around some Now let’s use how to use memory
Three ways to Use Memory Virtual Memory – Best for very large arrays and structures Memory-mapped files – Good for managing data streams and sharing memory between applications Heaps – Best for managing large numbers of small objects
Reserving Memory Fairly straightforward: PVOID VirtualAlloc( PVOID pvAddress, SIZE_T dwSize, DWORD fdwAllocationType, DWORD fdwProtect );
Parameters pvAddress: Usually NULL, but can be where you would like the memory dwSize: How much memory you would like dwAllocationType: Should we RESERVE memory or COMMIT it? dwProtection: The type of memory protection on this area of memory
Before Use… Once you have reserved memory, you need to commit it before the pages can be accessed Same call, but you use the parameters slightly differently You don’t have to COMMIT all the region – you just need to COMMIT pages Why is this a Good Thing?
Can do it all in one go… Can bitwise-OR the flags… Just like this: PVOID pvMem = VirtualAlloc( NULL, 99 * 1024, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ); Can also specify MEM_TOP_DOWN
Knowing When to Commit Let’s say you’re writing a spreadsheet application (gee, there’s a good idea…) Why doesn’t Excel crash the system when it loads a spreadsheet (well, usually…)
MEM_LARGE_PAGE New addition to VirtualAlloc Higher performance, as we can allocate a large page of memory These pages are not pageable however SIZE_T GetLargePageMinimum();
Determining the State of an Address Four ways… Always call COMMIT – but this is slow because it’s often (usually?) unnecessary Use VirtualQuery to map the state and commit if necessary Keep a record of which pages you’ve committed and which you have – can be complicated Use SEH to catch memory exceptions and COMMIT on error (best way)
Must Decommit If you don’t want to kill the machine, it’s good to decommit memory BOOL VirtualFree( LPVOID pvAddress, SIZE_T dwSize, DWORD fdwFreeType ); Pass 0 for dwSize as the system already knows it Must pass MEM_RELEASE
Knowing when is the trick… Consider our Spreadsheet example Make each cell a page (not very practical, but very simple) Keep track of which cells are on which page Implement a garbage collection function which checks the state of cells
Bug Hunting… Sometimes protecting memory can help tremendously when hunting bugs and coding defensively Can use VirtualProtect to change access when we’re not using memory If a rogue pointer blats into your memory, you’re protected
Physical Storage Knowledge of the underlying system can help tremendously when trying to improve performance For example, imagine you have some memory which you use for short periods of time… How does the design of the system potentially slow things down?
RESETting Memory When the system looks to free physical memory it has to write RAM to the paging file But what if you say that the memory to swap isn’t important? That is, the changes don’t need to be kept? If you have write-access but the changes aren’t needed you can RESET the memory
Example PINT pnData = (PINT) VirtualAlloc( NULL, 1024, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); pn[0] = 100; pn[1] = 200; VirtualAlloc( (PVOID) pnData, sizeof(int), MEM_RESET, PAGE_READWRITE);
MEM_RESET One thing to remember is that the MEM_RESET flag doesn’t work if you OR it with anything else It only makes sense used on its own
Cool Stuff: AWE Address Windowing Extensions Allows the program to access more memory than fits in its process space Introduced in Windows 2000 Uses AllocateUserPhysicalPages Then MAP to a Window: BOOL MapUserPhysicalPages( PVOID pvAddressWindow, ULONG_PTR ulRAMPages, PULONG_PTR aRAMPages);
Stack Space Each thread stack exists in the process’ address space Very clever – assigns a “guard page” so that the system knows when to commit more memory to the stack When the stack grows too far, generates a EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW Can handle via a SEH – we’ll talk about that later in the term