Warmup 1. Identify one element in the same period as copper 2. Identify one element in the same group as bismuth 3. Name the group where barium is found. Absent Monday? See you in block 7
- technically NOT entirely accurate. - improved upon with the addition of more information - but since it is easier to learn from…we will use this model to understand how electrons work!
How do you arrange the electrons? 1 st shell: holds 2 e- 2 nd shell: holds up to 8 e- 3 rd shell: holds up to 8 e- **Other shells (energy levels) hold more electrons, we won’t get into this! e- e- are restricted to energy levels around a nucleus.
Beryllium – 9 4 P 5 N e- Steps: Electron-Dot Diagrams 1. How many protons and neutrons? 2. How many electrons? (assume neutral). 3. Filling first energy shell…maximum two e- 4. If needed, fill out the second energy shell. Space apart the first 4 e-, then pair them up.
Carbon – 12 6 P 6 N e-
Sodium – P 12 N e-
Fluorine – 19 9 P 10 N e-
What are valence electrons? electrons found in the outermost energy shell. only valence e- interact with other atoms in chemical reactions (inner e- are shielded) only the raincoat gets wet; your sweater, and shirt stay dry. Valence Shell
Argon – P 22 N e- Ar
valence electrons diagrams Ex. Lithium P 3 N e- Li
Helium – 4 2 P 2 N e- He
Aluminum P 14 N e- Al
Magnesium – P 12 N e- Mg