Let’s continue with the seventh video, an overview of the application:
Working in Excel: Exercise Five 1. Open your ‘Exercise Four’ spreadsheet, press ‘Ctrl’ and ‘A’ to select all of it. 2. Click on the very top row of icons to open a new workbook 3. Press ‘Ctrl’ and ‘V’ to paste all of Exercise Four content into the new workbook and the press ‘Ctrl’ and ‘S’ (or click on in the top row of icons) to save your new workbook. Name it ‘Exercise Five’ and save it in the folder with your other workbook. 4. In cell B2 type ‘Me’, in C2 type ‘John’, in D2 type ‘Paul’, in E2 type ‘George’ and in F2 type ‘Ringo’. Highlight these cells and center them ( iin the ‘Alignment’ area of the ribbon) and make them bold. 5. Enter whatever grades you wish for John, Paul, George, and Ringo for all the exercises and save your work. In the ‘Font’ area of the ribbon, select (all borders). Highlight cells A2 thru F11 and click on and save your work 6. Make a graph for your new data field and save your work.
Working in Excel: Exercise Five (continued) After dragging the new chart to the right of the data, this is how mine looks: Save and submit your work to your teacher for grading.