Fall 2014 Office of the Registrar - registrar.unm.edu
FERPA (briefly) Deadlines my.unm.edu and LoboWeb Class Lists: dropping and ing students Registration overrides Grade entry Resources to help you NFOOffice of the Registrar - registrar.unm.edu
To avoid violations of FERPA rules, DO NOT: At any time use personally identifiable information (UNM ID#, name, etc.) in a public posting of grades. Link the name of a student with that student’s UNM ID # in any public manner. Leave graded tests or homework in an unsecured area for students to pick up. Circulate a printed class list with student names and UNM ID# or grades as an attendance roster. Discuss the progress of any student with anyone (including parents) other than the student without the consent of the student. Provide anyone with lists of students in your classes for any commercial purpose. Provide anyone with student schedules or assist anyone other than University employees in finding a student on campus. No personally identifiable information should be used in a public posting of any kind. NFOOffice of the Registrar - registrar.unm.edu
Last Day to Drop … Part of Term Classes Begin Last Day to Add with 100% Refund without a Grade without Dean's Perm with Dean's Perm Classes End Full Term08/1808/2909/05 11/0712/0512/13 Special Student Progs08/1808/2909/05 11/0712/0512/13 First Half Term08/1808/2208/29 09/2610/1010/11 Second Half Term10/1310/1710/24 11/2812/0512/13 Three- Quarter Term08/1808/29 10/1711/0711/08 Late Starting12/12 12/19 01/08/1501/09/1501/11/15 NFOOffice of the Registrar - registrar.unm.edu
Access with your NetID and password. Both the Employee & Faculty Life tabs have a link to … LoboWeb Employee: Benefits, tax forms, leave balances, etc. Student (only if you are also taking courses); Registration, account balance, etc. Faculty & Advisors: Student data (contact info, program of study, transcripts), class lists, registration overrides, grade entry, etc. NFOOffice of the Registrar - registrar.unm.edu
Access your Class List using LoboWeb Check before the refund and grade deadlines at a minimum. Ensure that everyone attending is actually enrolled and that non- attending students are dropped before penalties. NFOOffice of the Registrar - registrar.unm.edu student(s) Instructor Drops Export /print rosters Enter grades
NFOOffice of the Registrar - registrar.unm.edu ) Click the “Drop” box for each student you wish to drop. individual students above, or the entire class to the left. 2) Click “Drop Selected Students from Course” to process. A results page will then display.
NFOOffice of the Registrar - registrar.unm.edu This process generates an XML file to open or save. Most spreadsheet software can read these files but a default program needs to be selected to open before they will open automatically.
Online overrides: Campus, Capacity/Closed, Classification, College, Co-requisite, Degree, Duplicate Courses, Major, PreCoCap, Prerequisite, Program, Time, Special Approvals (Permission Required) Student’s UNM ID # is required. Ability vs. Authority Offline overrides: Level Restrictions Registration Cards NFOOffice of the Registrar - registrar.unm.edu
NFOOffice of the Registrar - registrar.unm.edu
… is enabled on the last scheduled day of instruction after 8pm. … should be completed within 48 hours of the final exam or last meeting day of the course. … may be done over multiple days. … must include last attend date in mm/dd/yyyy (including leading 0s and all 4 digits of the year) for all non-passing grades: F, NC, I, W. … left undone will prevent awarding of Financial Aid, acceptance into UNM (or other) programs, awarding of Dean’s List, and graduation. NFOOffice of the Registrar - registrar.unm.edu
2933: What is my Privacy/Confidentiality Indicator? 3173: What are the Refund, Grade, and other Registration Deadline Dates? 2380: How do UNM Faculty and Advisors use LoboWeb? 2931: How do I send to my class list via LoboWeb? 2903: Can I initiate dropping a student from my class? 2349: How do faculty members override registration errors? 2046, 2065, 2063: Registration Cards 3525: Faculty Grade Entry – Frequently Asked Questions 4068: How does the Incomplete Grade process work? NFOOffice of the Registrar - registrar.unm.edu Answers to your frequently asked questions …
Employee Life – Banner Training Recommended courses: FINPRV100 or FINPRV101 Securing Private Data (Web Course or Instructor-Led) BANS-0004 Faculty Lobo Web (Online) BANS-0015 Final Grade Submission (Online) NFOOffice of the Registrar - registrar.unm.edu
Office of the Registrar MSC Student Success and Support Center Registrar.unm.edu NFO14
Thank you for your time and attention Alec Reber Associate Registrar NFO15