Marriage and the Bible Based on the Living in Love Series by Richard L. Strauss, Biblical Studies Foundation
A man gathers some firewood one chilly morning. Hours later, he is executed for his action. Harsh? –Numbers 15:32-36 –Exodus 31:14-15 –Exodus 35:1-3
It is impossible for an individual or couple to embrace Christianity and remain an island unto themselves. We are: –The Body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23) –Family of Believers (Galatians 6:10) –The Household of God (Ephesians 2:19)
At its birth, the early Church was at the height of its purity and power. Fellowship of Believers –Acts 2:42-47 Moved to Selfless Compassion –Acts 4:32-37 They were “of one heart and mind.”
These believers were under the leadership of apostles empowered to show miraculous signs, who were first-hand witnesses to Christ. The early Church shared a common experience. They realized all they had was from God. They gave freely, and without coercion. Their faith may have cost many their jobs.
Although they were free to retain their possessions, their regard for one another compelled them to action. “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” –Jesus – John 13:35
Ananias means “Jehovah is gracious.” Sapphira means “beautiful” or “pleasant.” We know little about them, but: –They had each other. –They had possessions of financial worth. –They had forgiveness of sins. –They had the fellowship of powerful believers.
I personally do not believe Ananias and Sapphira forfeited their lives because of their desire to hold back some of the money. –Read Acts 4:34 carefully Re-read Acts 4:36-37 Although not the intent of righteous believers, recognition, praise, and accolades accompanied inspiring acts of selflessness and sacrifice.
Ananias and Sapphira were unfortunately guilty of deeper sins: –They desired the praise of their peers more than a genuine and honest relationship with Christ and His Church. –They underestimated God by thinking they could lie to Him and His appointed leaders and get away with it. –They made public an example of not trusting God by giving him 100%.
Read the short and tragic account of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11. You have to piece together the whole story by reading it through. –Ananias and Sapphira agreed to tell the same lie to Peter that they had sold the land for the amount they were laying at the apostles’ feet.
Based on what we’ve learned in this story, how would you surmise the marriage of Ananias and Sapphira would have been? Back to the opening discussion – isn’t the punishment they received a little harsh? Why did God act so severely toward them?
“…from everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded…” –Luke 12:48 (partial) These were formative days for the Church. This type of cancer could have been crippling. Ananias and Sapphira had the unfortunate honor of being the first example, as was the case with our wood gatherer.
Alive on the outside, dead on the inside. The sin of Ananias and Sapphira had an incredible potential for being contagious. This was hypocrisy. The same style that leads to the crucifixion of The Son of God. Note the reaction of those who witnessed this.
What lessons or truths do you feel God wants us to take from this story? What failings in Ananias and Sapphira might we have individually or in our marriages? What is God prompting you to change as a result of this story?