Test B
1.the largest gland in the body, on the RUQ; & has lobes. It produces bile 2.involuntary action that involves alternating waves of contraction/relaxation of the muscles in the organ wall. Moves food along alimentary canal. 3.food that has been processed in the stomach that looks like heavy cream. 4.is a dead end pouch at the beginning of the large intestine, just below the ileocecal valve. 5.is a small, thin-walled green sac that stores bile & removes excess water from bile 6.about 5’ long, it extends from the ileocecal valve to the anus. Its major functions are mechanical & chemical digestion, absorption of water, vitamins K & K & same Na & Cl & defecation.
7. a membranous fold attaching various organs to the body wall; especially the peritoneal fold attaching the small intestine to the dorsal body wall 8. microscopic extension of the outer surface of the absorptive cells that line each villus. They form the brush border of the small intestine to increase the surface area over which digestion & absorption take place. 9. found mostly in the submucosa of the ileum, are clusters of lymphatic nodules that provide a defensive barrier against bacteria. 10. large folds w/in the mucosa of the stomach that increase it’s surface area.
11. C-shaped, baglike organ that expands to store food & is found on the left side of the abdominal cavity. Its functions include food storage, mixing, physical & chemical breakdown of food & controlled release of chyme. (about 10” long). (can hold about 1 gallon of food) 12. (bad cholesterol); transport cholesterol & other lipids to body cells where they are used in various ways. If large amounts of LDL are circulating in the blood, the fatty substances will be deposited on the arterial walls causing atherosclerosis. 13. a calcified tissue (like bone) that composes the bulk of the tooth.
14. food stuffs are chemically broken down by enzymes. These reactions are called hydrolysis because a water molecule is added to each bond to be broken. 15. mixing of food in the mouth by the tongue, churning of food in the stomach & segmentation in the small intestine are all examples of this process. It prepares food for further degradation by enzymes. 16. a soft pink, triangular, gland posterior to the stomach, that produces both enzymes that break down all categories of digestible foods. {endocrine (Islets of Langerhans cells1%) & exocrine (acini cells90%) secretions. }
17. larger molecules or structures are built from smaller ones. 18. about 10” long receives chyme from the stomach through the pyloric sphincter. 1 st part of small intestine. 19. its alkaline waste that helps emulsify fats, serving to help neutralize the HCl in the chyme. Yellow to green watery solution 20. present in everyone, but when the hemorrhoid tissue becomes enlarged it is a painful, itching mass of dilated veins in swollen anal tissue (also called piles)
21. a local defect or hole in the surface of an organ or tissue produced by sloughing of necrotic inflammatory tissue Name 3 of the 7 Digestive Organs: