Curriculum Night Thursday, September 27, th Grade Mrs. Szyszka, Room 200 Ms. Alley, Room 209 Mrs. Cheal, Room 211 Ms. Rodriguez, Room 213
4th Grade Curriculum Overview
Balanced Literacy Approach to Reading/Language Arts Reader’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Word Study Guided Reading/Small group instruction
Mathematics Math Trailblazers: –Patterns in Multiplication –Shapes and Solids –Place Value –Decimals –Division –Using Data
Science FOSS Science Curriculum: Content/Topics Addressed: Electricity and Magnetism (IB) Human Body (IB) Land and Water (IB)
Social Science Content/Topics Addressed: Map Skills Exploration (IB) Slavery (IB)
Homework Given daily, due next day Read nightly Reading log (push for chapter books) daily, parent signature Word Study test Fridays Math DAB, reinforcement sheets daily Writing, Science, and Social Studies sometimes given
Grading Scale A 100% -90% Consistently excellent quantity of work B89% - 80%C onsistent good quantity of work C79% - 70% Satisfactory achievement D69% - 60% Average work FBelow 60% Unsatisfactory progress
Grade Categories/Weight: Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies Class Participation: 10% Class work: 35% Homework: 10% Quizzes 15% Assessments/Projects:30%
Grade Categories/Weight Writing Class Participation:10% Brainstorming:10% Rough Draft:30% Editing/Revising:15% Published Piece:35%
IB UNITS Who We Are: The human body is a complex system which is dependent upon all parts working together. Where We Are in Place and Time: Humans needs and curiosities result in exploration.
How We Express Ourselves: We use our writing to express our beliefs and opinions as a form of communication. How the World Works: Understanding the properties of electricity and magnetism in our world.
How We Organize Ourselves: Groups of people are enslaved for social and economic reasons. How We Share the Planet: Humans and natural elements interact to affect the land.
PBIS School-wide Behavior Code Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Positive Be Safe Each classroom used the school-wide PBIS Behavior Code to develop classroom Essential Agreements and Expectations
Attendance Policy 9:00 Entry Bell 4:00 Dismissal Please send note if child is absent when he/she returns Grade level goal of 97% attendance
How to Help Your Child Review homework each night and explain if child is struggling Sign reading log Practice multiplication facts
Teacher/Parent Communication Weekly Yellow Folders sent home on Wednesdays, returned to school on Thursdays (Notes to keep at home, Notes to Return) School Website (see handout for individual teacher s)