+ What to Expect in 4 th Grade Ms. Azze, Ms. Figari, Ms. Firestone & Ms. Krasne
+ School Policies Snack -Please provide a healthy snack that can be eaten neatly and while working -If there is a severe allergy in your classroom, you will be notified immediately -No glass bottles can be sent to school -No candy for snack (please!) Bathroom -Please discuss with your student the importance of only asking to use the bathroom when it is NECESSARY -Bathroom time is typically given when it is snack time Birthday Parties We are happy to celebrate your child’s birthday in school for 15 minutes (as per school policy) Please have everything individually portioned and ready to serve
+ Readiness Skills: Student Independence Independence -Ability to unpack, turn in homework, copy down homework and pack up -Have pencils ready to work for the whole day - Following directions when given to a whole class - Scan the room to follow with appropriate student behaviors -Taking responsibility for their actions and consequences
+ Speaking and Listening Students will be expected to: -speak at an audible volume -Address an audience -Maintain appropriate body language in small group and whole class conversations -Speak in complete thoughts -Connect their thoughts to what has already been presented -Listen to and add on as the conversation progresses
+ Readiness Skills: Reading Reading -Reading stamina for at least 30 minutes each night and in the classroom -Monitor when to book shop and maintain baggies -Setting appropriate goals, getting to the end of the chapter
+ Readiness Skills: Writing Writing -Writing in complete sentences -Building cohesive paragraphs -Editing and checking work before saying “I am done!” -Understanding the use of punctuation
+ Readiness Skills: Math Math -Fluency with skip counting and using a number line -Fluency with addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts -Showing work and answering in a complete sentence
+ Curriculum Pacing: Expeditionary Learning Module 1 – Becoming a Close Reader and Writing to Learn: Oral Tradition, Symbolism, Building Community. Module 2 – Researching to Build Knowledge and Teaching Others: Interdependent Roles in Colonial Times Module 3 – Considering Perspectives and Supporting Opinions: Simple Machines: Force and Motion Module 4- Susan B. Anthony: The Suffrage Movement, and the Importance of Voting (tentative: based materials)
+ Curriculum Pacing: Math GO Math! 4 th Grade Math Curriculum Pacing Each Chapter is about 8-13 lessons Chapters begin with a “Show What You Know” Chapters include mid-chapter checkpoint assessment and end of unit assessment Chapters include word problem exposure and challenge problems Critical Area 1: Place Value and Operations with Whole Numbers September - December Critical Area 2: Fractions and Decimals January - March Critical Area 3: Geometry, Measurement and Data April - June Additional Resources Exemplars
+ Curriculum Pacing: Social Studies Unit 1: Geography of New York State Unit 2: Native Americans, First Inhabitants of New York State Unit 3: Colonial and Revolutionary Periods Unit 4: Freedom and The New Nation: Federal, State and Local Government
+ Questions ?