Welcome to 4th Grade curriculum Night! Thank you for coming Fourth Grade Teachers Audrey Birks Carlos Carletos Wendy Perry Tarita Reeves Melissa Walker (Miriam Tunstall) Angela Butts De’Cembre Lewis Kelsey Bradley (Martha Robins) Laura DiStephano
A Day in 4th Grade Reading Specials: P.E., Art/Music, Computer Lab, STEM Lab/K Piano, Media Center English Writing Recess Math Lunch Science Social Studies
Math at-a-glance Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers (Standard Algorithm) Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division Place Value/Rounding Geometry Fractions Measurement Perimeter and Area Analyzing and Graphing Data Problem Solving RICE
Reading At- a-glance Themes/Morals Context Clues Comprehension Author’s Purpose Main Idea and Supporting Details Sequencing Story Elements Point of View Context Clues Compare and Contrast Cause and Effect Figurative Language Reading for Information Making Inferences RACES
Grammar at-a-glance Nouns/Verbs Capitalization and Punctuation Figurative Language Adjectives Synonyms and Antonyms Pronouns Adverbs
Writing at-a-glance Narrative Persuasive Informational Three types of writing will be assessed: Narrative Persuasive Informational Response to Literature Writing will be assessed according to the following: Ideas, Organization, Style, and Conventions
Science at-a-glance Light and Sound Water Cycle Force and Motion Weather Ecosystems Space/Moon Phases Adaptations
Science First Semester Understand Safety and the Scientific Method Students will differentiate between the states of water and how they relate to the water cycle and weather Describe the roles of organisms and the flow of energy within an ecosystem Analyze weather charts/maps and collect weather data to predict weather events and infer patterns and seasonal changes Identify factors that affect the survival or extinction of organisms such as adaptation, variation of behaviors (hibernation), and external features (camouflage and protection) Students will compare and contrast the physical attributes of stars, star patterns, and planets
Social Studies at-a-glance Native Americans Articles of Confederation European Explorers The Constitution US Physical Features Government Economics War of 1812 13 Colonies Westward Expansion American Revolution Abolition and Suffrage Declaration of Independence
4th Grade Standards based report card Fourth Graders are scored on a Standards Based Report Card. The grades are as follows: 4 – (Exceeds) Consistently and independently achieves the standard with evidence of exceeding the standard 3 – (Meets) Consistently and independently achieves the standard 2 – (Progressing) Progressing toward achievement of the standard 1 – (Emerging) Limited or minimum progress toward achievement of the standard 0 – (Critical Need) No progress made toward achieving the standard
We are going Paperless! This year all Progress Reports and Report Cards will be reported electronically. You will receive information on how to access your child’s progress report and report card online if you don’t already have it. Classroom Newsletters & PTO Newsletters will be emailed and/or posted on teachers’ websites *Please let your child’s teacher know if you don’t have access to the internet.
Testing in 4th Grade Formal Testing: Common Formative Assessments (CFAs) 9 weeks Georgia Milestones (April) Formative Assessments: Writing Assessments (On-going) Small Group Observations Summative Assessments: Daily Activities and Assignments Science/Social Studies Unit Testing CFAs every three weeks Math Unit Tests
Reminders Please check and sign your child’s agenda nightly. The agenda is an important communication tool between home and school. Please check with your child’s teacher for the classroom snack policy and sign up to bring snacks. Student Led Parent/Teacher Conferences will begin in September. More information will be coming home soon. Look for information on Class Dojo coming home soon.
Thank you for coming!