Social Construction of Deviance Best (10) on Social Constructionism Reality (our understanding of the world around us) is socially constructed. People make sense of the world through a process of developing understandings Our understanding of reality changes Our understanding is shaped by words and conceptual categories that shape meaning and facilitate sharing these meanings
Social Construction of Deviance Best on Social Constructionism Flexible perspective to study “deviance” Provides for an analysis of power in the study of deviance, and improves traditional conflict approaches The importance of “claimsmaking” – What is truth with a capital T? Do we live in an era of truthiness? Kitsuse and Specter (1977) “Social Construction of Social Problems” Becker 1963 “Outsiders”
Social Construction of Deviance Becker (1963) Moral Entrepreneurs The development of rules in American society is a process It involves a variety of social actors: Rule Creators: Moral Crusader –Absolute universalism about a given behavior –Benevolent motives (do-gooder; busybody - WCTU) –Upper echelon of society (adds credence to their moral advocacy – follow our rules & you, too, may be like us) –Focus of crusade is targeted toward behavior associated with lower status groups –Developing public awareness of social problem –Crusaders more interested in Ends than the Means –Rise of experts (professionals) in making rules (sometimes undermines original motive) –18 th Amendment (1919) –Smoking ban?
Social Construction of Deviance Becker (1963) Moral Entrepreneurs Rule Enforcers –Purpose: To administer new rules that result from moral crusade –Motives of enforcer sometimes undermine the benevolent motives of the social movement: rules provide a basis for their being –2 primary tasks: 1) justify their existence: a paradox to show effectiveness & continued need 2) win respect – respect is often a justification for rule enforcement: importance of discretion (use of cop violence justified?) –Results in selective enforcement (through discretion)
Social Construction of Deviance Conrad: Notes in the Discovery of Hyperkinesis What is Hyperkinesis? Who benefits from this discovery? What is Medicalization? How does it contribute to social control? Is it more common in certain types of societies? Last 2 Aspects: Individualization of Social Problems De-politicization of Deviance What are the implications of externalizing the “cause” of a person’s deviance? From “Badness” to Sickness
Social Construction of Deviance Reinarman (14): Drug Scares 2 Observations: Drug use is a constant feature of human society Drug laws and enforcement are a feature of societal concern about drug use & problems Historical examples: –Alcohol –Opium –Cocaine –Marijuana –LSD –Crack cocaine
Social Construction of Deviance 7 Steps to Construction of Drugs as Morally Bad: 1. Kernel of truth 2. Media magnification 3. Politico moral entrepreneurs 4. Professional interest groups 5. Social context of conflict 6. Linking of drug use to a dangerous class 7. Scapegoating social problems on drug use and associated dangerous class
Culturally Specific Theory of Drug Scares: 1.Silver bullet approach 2. Emphasis on Self Control 3. Consumer Culture Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Weber) The meaning of hard work changed as a result of religious shift from Catholicism to Protestantism Catholicism: Work was in the name of God Under Luther and especially Calvin: Religious ideology is tied to material success; Uncertainty of being saved/heaven Lack of success => Work harder (requires self control) Products become symbols of hard work, status & religious reward This cultural shift helps explain the rise of Capitalism. Reinarman says it’s at the heart of the American Drug Problem
More on Moral Panics Blowing Smoke: Status Politics and the Smoking Ban (Tuggle and Holmes) What status(es) does the smoking ban revolve around? Connection between status and moral value? Strategies of control: Assimilative; Coercive Medical versus normative assaults Moral Panics: The Case of Satanic Day Care Centers (DeYoung) Function of moral panic? Peak of concern about daycare is historically specific? Time period of study? 5 elements to panic: 1) Timing; 2) Target & Trigger; 3) Content; 4) Spread; 5) Denouement