Chemistry of Protoplanetary Disks with Grain Settling and Lyman α Radiation Jeffrey Fogel, Tom Bethell and Edwin Bergin University of Michigan
2 Disk Structure
Stellar Radiation Field UV Excess due to shock most models used a scaled up ISRF Full UV field from DAlessio et al Analytical scattering calculation from Bergin et al Gullbring et al 2000
Dust Major heating agent in the disk due to absorption SED depends on the dust grain settling - ε = dust-to-gas ratio in the upper layers as compared with the ISM Observations by DAlessio et al indicate that the median SED in Taurus fits ε ~ 0.01
Lyman α Dominates UV radiation field - in TW Hya carries 75% of FUV flux (Herczeg et al 2004) Important for chemistry. e.g. HCN and H2O will be dissociated by Ly α photons -- CN is not (Bergin et al 2003). Bergin et al Red = BP Tau Blue = TW Hya dashed = scaled ISRF
Chemical Network 639 Species 5902 Reactions Herbsts gas-phase network plus: - Photodissociation: - X-ray ionization (Glassgold et al. 1997) - UV Photolysis induced by X-rays (Gredel et al. 1989, Aikawa & Herbst 2001) - Grain Reactions (freeze-out, evaporation, cosmic-ray desorption, photodesorption) - H 2, CO self-shielding
CO, ε = 1
CO, ε = 0.01
Dust Settling
Ly α approximation, ε = 0.01
Conclusions Important to include true stellar UV field and calculate photodissociation rates from it Dust settling and Lyman α radiation play significant roles in the chemistry of protoplanetary disks Next step is to calculate column densities and show what can be observed now and in the future with ALMA
Directly calculate from UV field and species cross sections: Most codes use an approximation: Photodissociation