Children’s Mental Health Illinois State Board of Education


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Presentation transcript:

Children’s Mental Health Illinois State Board of Education Juana Burchell Kelly Rauscher Illinois State Board of Education

The Importance of Mental Health to Healthy Child Development and Learning IL Children’s Mental Health Act of 2003 Mental Health Efforts at the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) through: SEL and MHS state grants

Key Principles A successful children’s mental health system engages families and caregivers. Prevention and early intervention efforts should start early, beginning prenatally and at birth, and continue throughout adolescence. All children and their families should have access to affordable, quality, family-centered, culturally competent interventions and services. Public and private resources must be maximized and coordinated, and should build on existing state and local systems and programs. Children’s mental health services should be delivered in natural settings.

Key Findings A significant number of Illinois children experience serious mental health problems. Many mental health problems are largely preventable or can be minimized with prevention and early intervention efforts. Children’s social and emotional development is an essential underpinning to school readiness and academic success. A comprehensive, coordinated children’s mental health system can help maximize resources and minimize duplication of services. Early prevention and intervention efforts can save significant state costs.

Children’s Mental Health Act of 2003 Improves methods of capturing Medicaid funds that can be used to support children’s mental health. Required Illinois State Board of Education to develop social/emotional learning standards. Required local school districts to develop policies on social/emotional development.

How the State of Illinois Has Acted to Promote SEL & Mental Health in Schools 2002: Children’s Mental Health Task Force proposed strategies to enhance mental health and success for all Illinois children. 2003: Illinois Children’s Mental Health Act (ICMHA) became law. 2004: All 879 school districts submitted SEL policies; ISBE approved ICMHA-mandated SEL standards. 2005: Districts began implementing programming to address SEL standards and policies. 2006: Statewide SEL professional development project began. 2007: Work begins to develop classroom assessments for SEL.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) SEL is the process of acquiring the skills to recognize and manage emotions, develop caring and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, and handle challenging decisions effectively. -CASEL (2005), Safe and Sound, IL Edition

Responsible decision-making SEL Core Competencies Recognizing one’s emotions and values as well as one’s strengths and limitations social & emotional learning Self-awareness Social awareness Relationship Skills Responsible decision-making Self-management Making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior Managing emotions and behaviors to achieve one’s goals Forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict Showing understanding and empathy for others

Statewide SEL Professional Development Project Established an SEL Cadre of trainers/coaches across the state in ROEs and other technical assistance entities to support school districts as they infuse the SEL Standards into school climates, classrooms, and teaching strategies. Provided grants in FY 07 to 38 school districts (85 schools) across the state to support development of a three-year plan for implementation of the SEL Standards.

SEL Funding Expectations Up to $10,000 per district, except Chicago Public Schools Three year program if appropriation allows. (Year 1 planning, Years 2 and 3, implementation) Program Specifications for Year 1- Identify an SEL Implementation Team Participate in training and coaching activities Conduct two SEL sessions for parents/families Conduct a needs assessment Develop a three-year plan

Mental Health Support Grants In collaboration with the Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership, ISBE obtained state appropriation, funding 15 school district during FY07 In FY08, these 15 districts continue to receive funding, but no new grants were created MHS goals: To increase capacity focus on early intervention MH services To develop a coordinated, collaborative student MH support system Reduce the stigma of MH

MHS Grant Part 555 administrative rules Funding distribution Funding ranges from $25,000 to $75,000 Grant opportunities for FY09 and beyond will be posted in Special Ed web site under grant information

Resources Kelly Rauscher Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Juana Burchell The Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership (ICMHP) The Collaborative on Academic, Social and Emotional Learning The University of Illinois Extension

Resources National Mental Health Information Center School-based Mental Health Services USF Evidence-based Programs and Practices Ilinois Mental Health Act UCLA School Mental Health Project Center for Mental Health University of Maryland

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