Enlisted Performance Reports Air Education and Training Command Enlisted Performance Reports MSgt Chris Trainor AETC/DPAAS 05 Sep 2002 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e
EVALUATING PERFORMANCE Why? Document performance...both good and bad Differentiate among performers Provide feedback to ratee (expectations, objectives) How? Ratings (1-5) are descriptions not precise measurements Your description of the ratee’s duty performance Endorsements You! Make it happen...when it’s supposed to happen Make sure it’s done right Discuss the Why, How and What role the supervisor plays in performance evaluation -- Stress importance of documenting both good and bad performance and differentiating among performers -- Rater and Endorser’s comments should paint a picture of the individual’s performance -- Contact your Commander’s Support Staff on when reports are due for your personnel -- Ensure feedback is conducted daily and performance is documented throughout the year
EPR’S IMPACT EPRs impact Personnel Decisions: Assignments Promotions Retraining Awards/Recognition 2 4 7 DOE, JOHN 3S0X1 000748392 00001 Selection Record Proceed thoughtfully...! Review the impact the performance reports play a major role in. Write someone else’s report like you would like yours written
GROUND RULES Don’t make Assumptions: Approach: Know what the form looks like Know the basic rules about what’s allowed/not allowed Always refer to AFI 36-2406 Approach: Focus on writing techniques...not all rules are applicable …rules are apt to change within commands EPR Writing guide included in your binders. However, you may have to adjust to your chain of commands writing techniques.
EPRS Two purposes: Emphasis: Duty performance Evaluate performance Recommend for promotion, increased responsibility Emphasis: Duty performance Performance is more broadly defined (i.e., conduct on/off duty; training; PME; education) Strategically place “hard-hitting” bullets Elaborate on the duty performance, and using the whole-person concept. Use the blocks on the front of the form as a guide.
DUTY TITLE AND JOB DESCRIPTION Job description is more important Clearly describe ratee’s duties Specific tasks they perform Selectivity of ratee’s assignment Scope and level of responsibility Make sure to include: Dollar value of projects ratee manages Number of people they supervise Significant additional duties Job description is more important than the duty title. However, make sure the duty title aligns with the grade of the individual. I.E., NCOIC, Records Section and the individual is an Airman.
CHECKLIST Review performance or records thoroughly Make a list of accomplishments Select the most significant accomplishments Organize them into a sequence for max impact Write all bullets...use where they’ll count most Don’t use several bullets when one will do Open with a line that grabs attention Close with a line that captures potential Write bullets in Action – Result – Impact format When you’re done...revise, revise, revise Checklist is provided as a guide. May have other items that should be or could be added based on your unique situation in performance reporting.
ACCOUNTABILITY AND EVALUATIONS Render fair, accurate, unbiased evaluations Document both good and bad performance Don’t ignore misconduct, poor performance You’re not helping anyone or saving a career You’re hurting our top performers and good citizens Your boss can’t tell you how to rate your people But...he/she can evaluate your standards and your judgment Maintain documentation to substantiate strong views Cover slide bullets.
ACOUNTABILITY AND EVALUATIONS (CON’T) Know who you rate on Know when ratee EPR is due Review Personnel Information File (PIF) Review Unit Personnel Record Group (UPRG) at the Military Personnel Flight (MPF) Review Unfavorable Information File (UIF) Explain the importance of knowing the people you rate and are responsible for. Don’t wait to get to know your people until a report is due. Be proactive!!!
BASIC GUIDELINES WHAT FORM TO USE: AF FORM 910 (AB-TSGT) 20000601 (EF-V2) AF FORM 911 (MSGT-CMSGT) 200000601 (EF-V2) Slide Self-Explanatory
BASIC GUIDELINES (CON’T) EPR Forms: Section I - Ratee Identification Data Section II - Job Description Section III - Evaluation of Performance Section IV - Promotion Recommendation Section V - Rater’s Comments Section VI - Endorser's Comments Section VII - Commander’s Review Review EPR Form sections
BASIC GUIDELINES (CON’T) SECTION I: Ratee Identification Data All information should match the EPR shell Exception: Number of days supervision may not match the shell For example: deduct 30 days consecutive TDY, leave, etc. (Annotate the reason for the reduction in number of days in Item 6. Remarks section of the EPR Shell or attach a copy of orders, leave form, etc.) Cover Slide Bullets
BASIC GUIDELINES (CON’T) SECTION II: JOB DESCRIPTION 1. Duty Title Ensure duty title agrees with the EPR shell, if not, annotate the corrected title on the shell 2. Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities Ensure duties are related to the mission Cover Slide Bullets
BASIC GUIDELINES (CON’T) SECTION III : Evaluation of Performance Check the block that accurately describes ratee’s performance Comments should be compatible with and support the ratings Blocks are not used for promotion points, but shows the potential for increased responsibility Evaluators show disagreement by placing initials in the block accurately describing ratee's performance Cover Slide Bullets
BASIC GUIDELINES (CON’T) SECTION III : Evaluation of Performance (Con’t) Significant Disagreement Non-concur Block If the rating block already contains the initials of a previous evaluator, the next evaluator MUST provide one or more reasons/statement in their comments/endorsement block on the back of the report Cover Slide Bullets
BASIC GUIDELINES (CON’T) SECTION IV: Promotion Recommendation Raters consider the ratee’s duty performance and promotion potential and how ratee compares with others in the same grade Promotion comments are allowed in sections V, VI and VII (AF FM 911) primarily to complement the overall rating in section IV Cover Slide Bullets
BASIC GUIDELINES (CON’T) SECTION V: Rater’s Comments Must be in bullet format Write bullets in Action – Result – Impact format Comments describing performance must be compatible with ratings in Section III and IV Start with positive statements Proof Statement: the next bullet should substantiate the individual’s performance with facts, figures or specific accomplishments Resist being too technical. A report on a Comm guy needs to be understandable to a CE guy, due to reports can be reviewed by individuals outside the career field. I.E. BTZ boards, promotion boards, etc.
BASIC GUIDELINES (CON’T) SECTION V: Rater’s Comments (Con’t) The last bullet should show future utilization Communicate the individual’s potential to assume additional responsibility, suggest levels of assignment, etc. Show professional development (PME) resident and correspondence courses for their grade Recognition - Outstanding achievement, special trophies Academic education especially CCAF Cover slide bullets
BASIC GUIDELINES (CON’T) SECTION VI: Endorser's Comments Place the single most important accomplishment during the reporting period Save biggest achievements for this area Close the endorsement by communicating the individual’s potential to assume additional responsibility Cover slide bullets
BASIC GUIDELINES (CON’T) SECTION VII: Commander’s Review This is where the CC exercises influence over the quality of reports sent to file This is where the CC ensures comments in reports are not exaggerated or have ratings reflecting inflationary tendencies Cover slide bullets
BASIC GUIDELINES (CON’T) REFERRAL REPORTS: Contain one or more ratings in the far left block of any performance factor Promotion recommendation of “1” will be referred to ratee for comments or rebuttal Comments that refer to behavior not meeting acceptable standards of personal conduct, character, or integrity Ratee normally has 10 calendar days from receipt of EPR to provide comments Slide covers what constitutes a referral EPR. Also provide AFI 36-2406, para 3.9, to cover all procedures necessary when preparing a referral EPR.