By: Kyle DeBenetti
Table of Contents > Pacific Maritime Characteristics > Victoria’s Climagraph > Vancouver’s Climagraph > Pacific Cordilleran Characteristics > Mountains Affecting Climate > Nearness To Water Affecting Climate > Ocean Currents Affecting Climate > Bibliography
Pacific Maritime’s Characteristics A high increase in elevation from the ocean to the mountains that boarder the coast. There are mild winters (3 C); cool summers (15 C), precipitation is mm A wide variety of naturel vegetation The soils vary in depth and structure
Victoria’s Climate Graph This region has a lot of precipitation because it is a coastal region and it has a high elevation in comparison to the ocean In the summer there not as much precipitation because the Warm Japanese and Cold Alaskan current to not meet as much as they do in the winter There are no extream temperatures because the ocean moderates the land temperature Ocean Currents, like the Warm Japanese Current can affect the temperature by bringing warm water from asia near to this region
Vancouver’s Climagraph
Pacific Cordilleran Characteristics There are many mountains and plateaus moderated winters (-12 C) moderated summers (15 C), The vegetation varies depending on elevation, many coniferous trees
Mountains Affecting Climate The Rocky Mountains affect two regions in British Columbia. The Rocky Mountains affect these regions because the warm, moist air from the Pacific ocean rises over the mountain range, cools and condenses.
Nearness To Water Affecting Climate The Pacific Ocean moderates the temperature. In the summer the cool winds from the water cool the land and in winter the warm winds from the water warm the land. Therefore they have a more mild climate than if British Columbia was an inland region.
Ocean Currents Affecting Climate The Warm Japanese Current affect this climate regions because it helps to warm up the land. Therefore, if the water was always warm around British Columbia it would be warmer in British Columbia that it is now. If the water was always very cold than it would be much colder in British Columbia than it is now.