Capitalization & End Punctuation Grade 7
Learning Goal I will write a well-organized, grammatically correct expository essay, focusing on: The writing process, Six traits Sentence structure and Capitalization
Objectives You will be able to: 1.Capitalize correctly. 2.Use end punctuation correctly 3.Define the four types of sentences.
Take Out Binder with Paper Remember Cornell Note-taking method.
Capital Letters Capital Letters are used for: the pronoun “I”
Capital Letters Capital Letters are used for: the first word in a sentence, the first word in a direct quotation, and the first word of most lines of poetry and songs. For example: My dad asked, "Would you like to take a trip?" My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty.
Capital Letters Capital Letters are used for: proper nouns and proper adjectives For example: Abraham Lincoln the Gettysburg Address the Lincoln Memorial Washington, D.C. American hero
Capital Letters Capital Letters are used for: a title when it precedes a person's name. For example: President Lincoln
Capital Letters Capital Letters are used for: the directions North, South, East, and West when they refer to sections of the country. For example: We left the South and drove north toward home.
Capital Letters Capital Letters are used for: the names of deities and sacred books. For example: Holy Spirit Bible Koran Old Testament
Capital Letters Capital Letters are used for: the principal words in titles (but not the articles a, an, or the; coordinating conjunctions; or prepositions unless they are the first or last words). For example: To Kill a Mockingbird "The Willow and the Gingko"
Capital Letters Capital Letters are used for: abbreviations of words that are capitalized. For example: Mrs. Dr. Jan. Ave.
Capital Letters Write Source Textbook Page 618
Sentences A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought and has a subject and a predicate. Begin a sentence with a capital letter, and end it with a punctuation mark.
Four Types of Sentences 1. A declarative sentence makes a statement. Use a period at the end of a declarative sentence. Example: Janelle is painting a picture of an imaginary place.
Four Types of Sentences 2. An interrogative sentence asks a question. Use a question mark at the end of an interrogative sentence. Example: Did she dream it up by herself?
Four Types of Sentences 3. An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. Use a period at the end of an imperative sentence. Remember that the subject of imperative sentences is always you. However, the subject is "understood" and therefore does not appear in the sentence. Example: Think about all the uses for artwork.
Four Types of Sentences 4. An exclamatory sentence expresses strong feeling. Use an exclamation point at the end of an exclamatory sentence. Example: What fantastic places those are!
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