Sentence Structures By Mr. Warren
Warm-Up: May 2, Are the following sentences declarative according to the definition? If not, explain -Tomorrow I will go to the store. (yes or no) -Explain ________________________________ -She did not want to eat the pizza. (yes or no) -Explain ________________________________ -Go to the store for me. (yes or no) -Explain _________________________________ A declarative sentence simply states a fact. It does not give a command or request, nor does it ask a question. You punctuate your declarative sentences with a simple period. Ex: Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Ex 2: Maria plays the piano.
Warm-Up: May 3, 2011 Are the following sentences imperative according to the definition? If not, explain 1. Bring me some ice. (yes or no) -Explain ________________________________ 2. I can't believe how tall giraffes really are! (yes or no) -Explain ________________________________ 3. Get me out of here! (yes or no) -Explain _________________________________ Imperative sentences in the English language are the sentences that make a command or request; You punctuate your imperative sentences with a simple period. Ex: Get me some water. Ex 2: Leave that cat alone.
Warm-Up: May 4, 2011 Are the following sentences exclamatory according to the definition? If not, explain 1. I can't believe this, I am so upset! (yes or no) -Explain ________________________________ 2. Did you go to the movies yesterday? (yes or no) -Explain ________________________________ 3. Leave that cat alone! (yes or no) -Explain _________________________________ Exclamatory sentences in the English language are the sentences that express powerful feelings, or emotions; you punctuate your exclamatory sentences with an exclamation mark. Ex: I love you so much! Ex 2: I cannot wait to graduate!
Warm-Up: May 5, 2011 Are the following sentences interrogative according to the definition? If not, explain 1. Can you get me a glass of water? (yes or no) -Explain ________________________________ 2. How old are you? (yes or no) -Explain ________________________________ 3. Should we invite Tim to the party? (yes or no) -Explain _________________________________ Interrogative sentences in the English language are the sentences that form a question; you punctuate your interrogative sentences with a question mark. Ex: What did the teacher say to you yesterday? Ex 2: What do you think I should wear the pink shoes or the white sneakers?