In Search of a Measure of Grammaticality: A Probabilistic Approach Liang Maocheng.


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Presentation transcript:

In Search of a Measure of Grammaticality: A Probabilistic Approach Liang Maocheng

In Search of a Measure of Orality: A Probabilistic Approach Xu Jiajin

Register Variation: A SP-WR case Xu Jiajin Beijing Foreign Studies University

4 Written language bias For decades Have we gone astray in linguistic inquiry? In the least, equal attention should be given to spoken language.

5 What are the defining features of spoken language?

6 Written/literate features Long, embedded complete sentences Relative clauses Long, nominalised abstract words Passive voice etc

7 Spoken features Incomplete sentences, ellipsis Questions, interrogative sentences Tag questions Inversion, post-posed elements Contractions Small, easy everyday words Interactive, interpersonal, expressive Hedges, discourse marker use Fillers, pause markers Negation (Yes). No.

8 Why do they differ? According to Wallace Chafe (1982), two factors explain the differences between written discourse and verbal interaction: 1) Writing takes longer than speaking; 2) Writers do not contact with readers.

9 The first factor is responsible for the very many fragments in SD; and the second factor is responsible for the detachment from the readers as opposed to the high involvement in verbal communication.

10 Distinctive features b/t speech & writing Think about typical written discourse and typical spoken discourse Academic writing (research articles) Everyday casual conversation (small talk)

11 Paper reading and replicate Writer/reader visibility in EFL written discourse Stephanie Petch-Tyson

12 Spoken features of learner writing Writer reader visibility Petch-Tyson ( 1998 )

13 Questions for reading Research aims Data Method Conclusion Critique

14 Biber’s MF/MD model 67 features (Biber 1988) 125 features (Biber 2007) 141 features (Xiao 2009) Features collected in literature and according to intuition List of spoken features will never be exhausted. BFSU_MF_MD tool

15 Two overarching approaches Rule-based: Sth that we are sure about Pro and con - Can never be exhaustive - A blind men and elephant matter + It’s good enough if we get the best part. 5 万和 3 万没有差别 Probabilistic: Greedy and exhaustive

16 A keyword approach to Speech writing difference Spoken corpus Written corpus vs SP Word listWR Word list SP Keyword list How a keyword list is generated?

17 Task: Keyword corpus driven approach Observed: dem: Demographically sampled spoken data Reference: aca + fic + news Probabilistic approach

18 Bibliography 1/3 Biber, D Variation across Speech and Writing. Cambridge: CUP. Biber, D. et al Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written Language. London: Longman. Brazil, D A Grammar of Speech. Oxford: OUP. Cameron, D Working with Spoken Discourse. London: SAGE Publications. Carter R. & M. McCarthy Exploring Spoken Language. Cambridge: CUP. Chafe, W Discourse, Consciousness, and Time. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Campoy, M. & M. Luzón. (eds.) Spoken Corpora in Applied Linguistics. Bern: Peter Lang.

19 Bibliography 2/3 Cornbleet, S. & R. Carter The Language of Speech and Writing. London: Routledge. Ellis, R. & G. Barkhuizen Analyzing Learner Language. Oxford: OUP. Hughes, E. (ed.) Spoken English, TESOL and Applied Linguistics. New York: Palgrave. McCarthy, M Spoken Language and Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: CUP. Muller, S Discourse Markers in Native and Non-native English Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Petch-Tyson, S Writer/ reader visibility in EFL written discourse. In S. Granger ( ed. ). Learner English on Computer

20 Bibliography 3/3 丁海涛, 2008 , A Keyword Approach to Spoken Features in the English Essays by Chinese non-English Major College Students ,中国外语 教学研究中心硕士论文。 文秋芳、丁言仁、王文宇, 2003 ,中国大学生英语书面语中的口语化倾向, 《外语教学与研究》( 4 ): 。 文秋芳, 2009 ,学习者英语语体特征变化的研究,《外国语》( 4 )。 吴琼, 2007 , A Register Analysis of Spoken English of Chinese EFL Learners: A Multi-dimensional Approach (中国英语学习者英语口语 语域的多维度研究),中国外语教学研究中心硕士论文。 许家金、许宗瑞, 2007 ,中国大学生英语口语中的互动话语词块研究, 《外语教学与研究》( 6 ): 。

Thank you xujiajin