Lesson 9: Grammar Lesson By: Gabriela Claudia Gustavo
Types of Sentences… …by Purpose 1)Declarative: makes a statement and ends in a period Ex. I lie eating chocolate. 2)Interrogative: asks a question and ends in a question mark Ex. Do you like eating chocolate? 3)Exclamatory: expresses emotions or feelings and ends in a exclamatory point Ex. I need chocolate! 4)Imperative: gives a command and ends in a period Ex. Please get me more chocolate.
…by Structure 1)Simple: contains a simple subject and verb, and expresses a complete idea Ex. I like chocolate. 2)Compound: combines a simple subject and verb using for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Ex. I like chocolate and peanut butter. 3)Complex: contains the words such as because, since, after, although, when, that, who, or which Ex. I like peanut butter because it is crunchy.
Practice Time! Read the following sentences and choose what type of sentence it is.
#1 Why do you have to balk when I’m only trying to ride you? a)Declarative sentence b)Imperative sentence c)Interrogative sentence d)Exclamatory sentence ANSWER c) Interrogative sentence
Diego was adamant that he play the game even though he was sick. a)Declarative sentence b)Imperative sentence c)Interrogative sentence d)Exclamatory sentence #2 ANSWER a) Declarative sentence
We knew they were enjoying their camaraderie because we could hear them laughing and joking around. a)Simple sentence b)Compound sentence c)Complex sentence #3 ANSWER c) Complex sentence
Amandla is such a cantankerous person! a)Declarative sentence b)Imperative sentence c)Interrogative sentence d)Exclamatory sentence #4 ANSWER d) Exclamatory sentence
I was driving under the speed limit in which I was in compliance with the traffic rules. a)Simple sentence b)Compound sentence c)Complex sentence #5 ANSWER b) Complex sentence
Tamara made a very presumptuous comment. a)Simple sentence b)Compound sentence c)Complex sentence #6 ANSWER a) Simple sentence
Please just acquiesce to Valerie’s project idea. a)Declarative sentence b)Imperative sentence c)Interrogative sentence d)Exclamatory sentence #7 ANSWER b) Imperative sentence
Could you please try to propitiate Gabby, since she’s mad and crying because she was left out of the activity? a)Declarative sentence b)Imperative sentence c)Interrogative sentence d)Exclamatory sentence #8 ANSWER c) Interrogative sentence
In spite of reports that he was drafted, the truth is that Jim joined the Army of his own volition. a)Simple sentence b)Compound sentence c)Complex sentence #9 ANSWER b) Compound sentence
Her little dog is so not tractable! a)Declarative sentence b)Simple sentence c)Exclamatory sentence d)Both b and c #10 ANSWER d) Both b and c