MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone CAP Sites
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone General Introduction MITAC has developed six area wide prospectuses - five include a Common Application Process (CAP) module. Learners log in to create a Profile which when combined with saved course choices, provides the content for an online application. Learners and their online profiles and applications are managed by co- ordinators, tutors and Connexions PAs in schools using our Manager program. This program allows all partners to monitor, track and where necessary intervene to ensure transition. It also collects stats. Providers and other partners are notified on application and can choose to respond using the Manager program or download applications data to process in their own MIS. >
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone What is CAP? An area-wide prospectus aims to provide independent online course advice and related information for year olds. Allowing learners to login enables a profile to be created. When this profile is added to courses collected from the prospectus, an online application can be generated. Because the same process can be used in all schools the title Common Application Process or CAP or eCAP has been applied. Schools are notified when an online application is made so they can support learners’ applications.
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone What is CAP Manager? The CAP Manager program provides admin functions at multiple levels for area co- ordinators, Connexions, school co- ordinators and form tutors. It is a separate secure program available from As well as a login box, this site has information and resources to support co-ordinators, admins, PAs and tutors. Schools logging in to Manager can import students, establish course blocking patterns, monitor completion of a learner’s CAP profile, track applications and intervene as appropriate as well as gather statistics.
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone Navigation Feedback … opens a feedback form for user queries and comments. Go Back … takes you back to the previous screen. Logout … the correct way to leave the program and protect data. Menu Lists … will list navigation options appropriate to your position in program … here year groups and tutors are listed. Add … will add tutor, learner etc as appropriate to position in program Tabs … will list functions appropriate to your position in the program … eg at this level selecting the CAP tab will show status and stats for the whole school. Click once to action. Breadcrumb Trail … shows the route taken to get your current location … important to help you retrace footsteps Do not use browser controls
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone Logging In username password Admin Logins You will be given a single school co-ordinator login. The co-ordinator can manage all logins below this level. Getting Learner Logins Learners’ first username and password is assigned on import Password Resets All passwords have to be reset on first login. Password Lock As a security measure, four incorrect attempts to login will lock the login. Tutors can find and reset learner passwords.
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone School/Import Students Context School level login only. As Manager is empty on first use, first task is to import learner details: those learners’ profiles and applications populate. Select From login, click the Import tab. Click the Students sub-tab. Shows Instructions and functions to import learner details from a spreadsheet. Functions Click … Choose File to locate the spreadsheet Import Students to upload learners into the system Note importance of spreadsheet format and data
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone School/Import Please note 1. The pupil data file should be in Excel format … Office 2007 users please Save As Excel We need forename surname uln gender yeargroup dob tutorgroup tutor 3. These fieldnames should run along the first row in the spreadsheet table - often called the header row. 4. The fieldnames are all lower case. 5. Date of Birth (dob) must be in a date format dd/mm/yyyy 6. Username and password are optional 7. ULN is desirable Helpline office hours
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone School/Tutor/CAP Context A school with learners across two year groups is shown. One tutor is selected. Select Click to open Year 11 and then tutor Mary Squarely. Click CAP tab. Shows Learners in Y11 Mary Squarely tutor group. Status data showing completion of Profile forms and applications
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone School/Tutor/Caseload Context Information about learners login details. Available at school and tutor logins. Select Click to open Caseload tab. Shows Usernames and passwords of learners. Green padlock indicates active login, red indicates locked (more than 4 incorrect login attempts have been made) Functions Click … Show/Hide to view password column Red padlock to reset password Column headings to sort Export to save logins to a spreadsheet
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone School/Tutor/Learner/CAP Overview Context A list of learners is displayed at the tutor group level. Clicking a name provides access to learner profile, application and other details. Select Click any learner to select them. The CAP tab and Overview sub-tab will be displayed. Applications is described later. Shows Learner account and Profile details
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone School/Tutor/Learner/Properties Context Use this tab to change learner details. Select With any learner selected, simply click the Properties tab. Shows Learner login and personal details plus Form and Connexions PA. Functions Click … Connexions Adviser to change the PA the learner is connected to Form to change the learner’s tutor group to another in the drop-down list Reveal Password to show the learner’s password … retype to change
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone School/Tutor/Learner/Files Context Documents (files) can be attached to a learner. This tab controls the upload. Select With any learner selected, simply click the Files tab. Shows Information and upload instructions. Functions Click … Choose File to find the document you want to attach Title add a title to describe the file and click Upload File Files lists the uploaded file
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone School/Tutor/Learner/Appl./Applicati on Context A learner’s applications are listed in the left column sorted by status / location. Select With a learner selected, click any application from the left column. Shows One of 4 tabs showing information about a selected application Functions Click … Print will send all details to the printer Files indicates whether any files are attached to the application
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone School/Tutor/Learner/Application/His tory Context Think of an application as going on a journey from learner to Connexions to provider to … History records that journey. Select With a learner selected, click any application from the left column and select the History tab. Shows Key transactions like decisions from provider are recorded. Date, status code and any message attached are all listed. 1 1
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone School/Tutor/Learner/Application /Files Context Any document (file) uploaded can be attached to any of a learners applications. This tab lets you select which. Select With a learner selected, click any application from the left column. The click to activate the Files tab. Shows Information, instructions and functions to support connecting uploaded files. Functions Click … Select File (drop-down) to list uploaded files Files indicates whether any files are attached to the application
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone School/Tutor/Learner/Application /Notes Select With a learner selected, click any application from the left column. Then click to activate the Notes tab. Shows Entry box to add Notes and Notes (Supporting Notes) history below. Functions Click … Send as tick the box to also send the note to the provider by Add Note type in the box and press Add Note button to write a new note Context Supporting Notes to the provider can be added to an application by PA / Tutor.
MITAC Partnership Ltd CAP Admin MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Silverlink Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9NZ Telephone Where can I get support? Many of the calls we take could be resolved using the Admin program’s features. Please also take a little time to look at resources and updates. This PowerPoint is available online and it will be supported by help-sheets and work-through videos. If you need help, please call our helpline ( ) or us with your query. We are also keen to receive feedback either directly or via your local CAP co-ordinator. *