Instructional Approaches
Description Attributes Applications
Presentation-Description Relates,Dramatizes, Disseminates info Uses verbal info or visual symbols One-way communications Examples Read a book Listen to a tape Attend a lecture
Presentation-Attributes Teacher controls pace, content Accommodates variety of group sizes Student sees and hears same info Organizes content Presents a lot of content quickly Often includes auditory component Requires little activity from student No feedback to learners
Presentation-Application Into a new topic Provide an overview Motivate students to learn Examples: Dino models and visuals Videotape on environmental pollution Student presentation on origin of Bill of Rights
Demonstration- Description Show students how to do a task Show why when where it is done Imitates a physical performance Examples Swing a golf club Change oil in car Adopt attitudes
Demonstration-Attributes Utilizes multiple senses Illustrates ideas and abstract concepts Dramatic appeal Arouses interest Essential for teaching psychomotor skills Reduces hazards Sets performance standards Is time consuming
Discussion- Description Encourages classroom rapport Actively involves students in learning Introduces students to different beliefs Utilizes critical thinking skills Allows for assessment of student participation
Discussion-Attributes Teaches content as well as interpersonal skills Students actively apply problem solving, critical thinking skills Interesting and stimulating Can change attitudes/behavior Students benefit from contributions of others Requires advance preparation
Cooperative Learning- Description Involves small groups of students working together Teaches social and communicative skills while teaching content Problem solving with others Supports community in classroom
Cooperative Learning- Attributes Promotes positive interdependence Encourages relational skills Facilitates academic and social learning Involves students in active learning Requires compatibility Takes more time to cover content Less appealing to individualistic learners
Discovery Learning- Description Enables and encourages students to find answers for themselves Students learn by doing Relates discovery to previous learning Uses inductive or inquiry approach
Discovery Learning- Attributes Allows students to use data Requires students to operate in the way required by the discipline Helps students learn to learn Provides intrinsic motivation Develops critical thinking skills Encourages higher order thinking Can be very time intensive
Problem Solving-Description Students use previously mastered skills to resolve a challenge Define problems Formulate hypotheses Collect and analyze data Derive conclusions Verify conclusions
Problem Solving- Attributes Increases comprehension and retention Students apply theory to practice Involves higher learning processes Develops responsibility Has several possible answers Utilizes resources other than textbook Students practice strategizing
Instructional Games- Description Provide an appealing environment Learners learn and follow rules to attain goal Highy motivating for repetitive content
Instructional Games-Attributes Actively involves students Provides for practice of skills Students compete against themselves Can be tiered and levels of difficulty Can provide feedback Can be time consuming to set up
Simulation-Description Learners confront a controlled approximation of a real life situation Provides realistic practice Can approximate very abstract concepts in concrete terms
Simulation-Attributes Used for acquisition of info Improvement of processes Promotes cognitive and interpersonal skills Provides immediate feedback Causes emotional involvement Promotes decision making
Drill and Practice-Description Learners are led thru series of exercises Increases fluency in new skills Relates to previous skill sets Spelling, math, language instruction Can free instructor to focus on more complex issues
Drill and Practice- Attributes Aids in fact /rote memorization Provides repetitive practice Psychomotor/low level cognitive skills Appropriate for info not learned in one exposure Can be BORING Can be confusing
Tutorial-Description Tutor presents content, Poses question Requests learner response Analyzes the response Supplies feedback Provides practice
Tutorial-Attributes Can be Socratic, learner to learner, CAI,programmed instruction Provides optimum individualized instruction Highest degree of student participation Benefits student tutors Sequenced, interactive May be impractical
Instructional Approach Characteristics