21 st Century Teaching and Learning The Demonstration Site for Modeling and Simulation (MODSIM) A Joint Endeavor: VBCPS/NIA/NASA LaRC.


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Presentation transcript:

21 st Century Teaching and Learning The Demonstration Site for Modeling and Simulation (MODSIM) A Joint Endeavor: VBCPS/NIA/NASA LaRC

What is MODSIM?  a tool used by industry and education  is an “engine for economic development” in Hampton Roads  MODSIM Education and Training Advisory Panel  includes representatives from the business, K- 20+ education, government, industry, and training communities of Hampton Roads Launching the Project

Year One: BUILD AWARENESS AND CAPACITY  Discipline-specific professional development activities (workshops) offered to all Region II school systems. Games for Learning, April 2007 Integrated Science, October 2007 Algebra, February 2008 Biology, April 2008 Physics, June 2008

Years Two and Three: DEMONSTRATION  Demonstration modeling and simulation site: Ocean Lakes High School, VBCPS Two year roll-out

Goals/Timeline/Outcomes Create a demonstration site for modeling and simulation (demo MODSIM) at Ocean Lakes High School March contact Virginia Beach City Public School (VBCPS) with concept paper VCPS secondary curriculum coordinator, high school assistant superintendent, deputy superintendent support concept April contact Ocean Lakes High School (OLHS) principal and Math and Science Academy coordinator OLHS principal and Academy coordinator support concept April Identify Mark Clemente, teacher at OLHS, as coordinator for demo MODSIM and Sharon Bowers, NIA EIR, as project lead VBCPS and OLHS support selection of coordinator and project lead May coordinator for demo MODSIM site is selected; duties will include chairing the MODSIM Education and Training Advisory Panel, running summer 2008 planning, and coordinating demo MODSIM site for school year Placement letter for coordinator is accepted Goals/Timeline/Outcomes

Teachers within the demo MODSIM cadre plan and teach collaboratively to integrate STEM content May Cadre of teachers selected; Cadre consists of paired math and science instructors teaching Academy and general population students Cadre of teachers selected and confirmed. Cadre includes this pairing of teachers: Algebra 1 with Biology; Algebra 2 with Chemistry; Pre-calculus with Physics Best modeling and simulation tools and resources are identified for use within the demo MODSIM site Beginning May Cadre of teachers review available tools and resources, building a repository of resources Moodle site is created to share resources and maintain collaborative communications within staff of demonstration MODSIM site May Survey participants of MODSIM workshops for feedback regarding strategies and tools presented at training Identify tools and resources to incorporate in demo MODSIM site May through school year Coordinator arranges additional training for demo MODSIM cadre Increased proficiency in use of modeling and simulation tools and resources Summer and school year -- hardware and software are gathered for demo MODSIM site OLHS dedicates two laptop carts for demo site cadre use Goals/Timeline/Outcomes

Integrating STEM and modeling and simulation into existing curriculum Summer three days of curriculum planning; Day One: Coordinator and cadre identify curriculum overlap interdependence and identify problem areas for students. Day Two: Outline first semester incorporating curriculum connections. Day Three: Plan stand alone and integrated projects. Integrated STEM curriculum with increased modeling and simulation use Use of modeling and simulation within lessons progressively increases in sophistication; Lessons move from student "using" models and simulations to students "creating" models and simulations using modeling and simulation tools school year -- ongoing planning required OLHS arranges master schedule to allow for common planning time for demo MODSIM cadre. Cadre teachers give one day professional leave each nine weeks to learn about tools and plan lessons. VBCPS provides substitute teachers for demo MODSIM cadre each nine weeks Goals/Timeline/Outcomes

Share resources and experiences with other schools within Region 2 May -- demo MODSIM coordinator becomes chairperson of the Education and Training Advisory Panel Focus MODSIM efforts to maximize success of the demo MODSIM site September demo MODSIM site lessons available on MODSIM wiki Other school systems may incorporate MODSIM lessons within curriculum school year -- Best Practices Vignettes developed focusing on Differentiation. One segment will highlight best practices in modeling and simulation Video tutorials available to help educators incorporate modeling and simulation strategies within their curriculum November 2008 – Coordinator present project to Region II assistant superintendents Educators within Region 2 are invited to visit the demo site and offered specific strategies to help incorporate modeling and simulation strategies within their curriculum Goals/Timeline/Outcomes

Milestones Quarterly PD for teacher cadre: STELLA Excelets Scratch Mentorship Opportunities/Year 2 Three areas of focus –Attitudinal survey of students –Effectiveness study –Needs assessment for teachers Grant writing VBCPS Research and Evaluation Support

Milestones MODSIM World Conference Kaleidoscope VBCPS Assistant Superintendents’ Workshop VAST, VASCD, VSTE MODSIM Wiki Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC)

Increase resources Increase demonstration sites within VBCPS Increase shadowing sites within Region 2 and elsewhere Online PD