Marquette Service Learning Let’s Get it Started!
What is Service Learning? An Academic Program Usually Optional Enables students to perform meaningful service related to their course in a reciprocal relationship. Students should seek what they can gain from the placement they choose in terms of their course.
What is Service Learning? Community Service service Service Learning service & learning Internship learning primary intended beneficiary recipient recipient and provider primary focusservice service and learning intended educational purposes civic and ethical development academic and civic development career and academic development integration with curriculum peripheralintegrated co-curricular / supplemental nature of service activity based on social cause based on academic discipline based on industry or career
What’s the Commitment? 20 hours / semester (unless otherwise specified) Breaks down to about 2-3 hours per week Must complete the entire semester and attend on a regular basis. Learning objectives Note: Do your best to be consistent in your attendance. Think of your service as a job. The staff at your site rely on you. Also, you are representing Marquette University.
Why Should I Choose Service Learning? Every professor regards Service Learning differently. Make sure to look at your syllabus to see how much your service counts toward your final grade or takes the place of any final project. Service provides you with a hands-on approach that you cannot get from a classroom setting alone. You will grow as a result of these experiences and form ideas and values that you will carry with you throughout your career as a professional.
Personal Experience “Real situation, real people, real solutions. Textbooks are too dull!” Biomedical Engineering Student “The work I did at my site directly correlated with the curriculum and gave me practical experience. In this way, I could internalize the class material.” Developmental Psychology Student “As it was an election year, being able to work on a campaign was an invaluable experience.” Urban Politics Student
Transportation Directions are provided for all placements. L.I.M.O. will not take you anywhere outside their usual route If you are concerned about safety in the city and taking the bus, your SC will be happy to assist you in finding another student going to your site with whom you can travel.
Safety Whenever you travel in an unfamiliar part of the city, take care to be aware of your surroundings and know how to get back. Know your resources DPS Non-Emergency DPS Emergency Students are HIGHLY encouraged to sign-up with a buddy to service-learn after 5:00 pm if they are taking the bus or walking.
Be Assertive Without Being Aggressive Choose your battles Watch your tone Have several examples Know what needs to be done to resolve the problem and offer suggestions Say thank you
OK, I’m in! How do I sign-up!!! Sign-Up Night is Wednesday, January 21! From 5:30pm-8:30pm AMU Ballrooms C & D Bring your class and work schedule and have your MU-ID, your local phone number, and your address available. FYI: All the information regarding the site placements for each course and professor can be found on our website prior to sign-up night. Take advantage of this opportunity to be completely prepared and have decided on a site before you get there. If you have any further questions, your SC will be there at sign-up night to assist you in choosing a great site.
Selecting a Placement
Important People to Know Who to look out for...
Your Student Coordinator Why? Your SC is a go-to person for any questions or concerns regarding your site or experience. The SC’s have direct contact with site contacts and professors so they can deal directly with any issues you may have regarding your experience. Where? At sign-up night and at your site orientation. Your SC is always available by phone or during his or her office hours, which are indicated on your QuickGuide.
Your Site Contact Why? Your site contact can directly help you during your service. If you are feeling like you’re not making a strong connection between your class work and your service, ask your site contact if there may be another role for you at the agency. Show them your syllabus and talk to them about what you are discussing in class to find a better fit for you. Where? At your site during your orientation and periodically throughout the semester during your service.
Alright, this is important.
Important Documents You will complete this form at sign-up night and give it to your SC to keep a record of your service in our database. This contract needs to be filled out as completely as possible, and signed by your professor, your site contact, and yourself. Don’t lose this timesheet. Keep an accurate record and remember to sign this form and have it also signed by your site contact at the end of your service. If you lose your contract or your timesheet, you can get a new one from our office. 707 Building on 11th Street Rm. 303
Spring: Checklist of Important Dates and Requirements Make sure to mark all of these important dates and deadlines in your planner! Prior to January 21 Review placements for your Class available on click on Service Learner click on Placement Descriptions Wednesday, January 21 st Anytime between 5:30-8:30 pm AMU Ballrooms C & D January 22 nd – January 30 th Service Learning Office 707 N. 11 th Street, Room 303 Sign Up Night sign up for a placement meet your Student Coordinator get a Contract and Timesheet Late Sign Ups For students who were unable to attendo Sign Up Night or for students who have completed the permission form to do a placement different from those offered by the Service Learning Program or that is not listed as an original placement for your course. January 26 th – February 6 th Site Orientations Your site orientation is mandatory. If you cannot make the orientation, it is your responsibility to schedule one with your site contact. Need a reminder? Call the office: or
Fall 2008: Checklist Continued... Need a reminder? Call the office: or January 27 th 3:00 - 5:00 pm or January 28 th 11:30 - 2:00 pm Service Learning Office 707 N. 11 th Street, Room 303 TB Test Clinic If your site requires a TB test, please be sure to make an appointment at Sign-Up Night and fill out the proper paperwork. January 30 th 1:00 - 4:00 pm Service Learning Office 707 N. 11 th Street, Room 303 TB Test Reading Please come back to have your TB test read Wednesday, February 4 th Tutor Training Presentation: 5:00 - 6:00 pm (room 252) General SL Training: 6:00 - 7:00 pm (room 254) Service Learning Workshop Attend beneficial presentations by DPS officers and MPS tutoring experts. After the sessions, feel free to gather information and ask your questions as you navigate through the various information tables Week of September 23 rd Hand in Contract to Professor Must be signed by your agency contact and professor. Check with your professor for specific deadlines. Throughout the Semester Reflection Sessions Week of April 27 th Hand in Timesheets to Professor Timesheet MUST be signed by your site contact. Check with your professor for specific deadlines.
See You at Sign-up Night!