EEE 348E INTRODUCTION TO IC DESIGN P.M Dr Othman Sidek (Director of CEDEC) Mr. Arjuna Marzuki (room 2.15, ext: 6021) Instructor/Tutor Ruhaifi
Learning Outcomes Students will be able to design and simulate logic circuits at transistor level using schematic entry as well as netlists format. Students will be able to produce the layout design of a circuit based on the design rules specified. Students will be able to analyze CMOS transistor characteristics. Students will be able present their mini project individually in a viva session.
Laboratory (CEDEC Lab) Lab 1, Week3 : Netlist Lab 2, Week4 : Schematic design Lab 3, Week5 : Layout design Lab 4, Week6 : DRC and LVS Week7 – 13 : Mini Project Week14 : Viva & Presentation
CAD Tools Cadence (Linux OS): Text Editor - Netlist Schematic Composer - Schematic Virtuoso - Layout Spectre- Simulation DIVA DRC- DRC DIVA LVS- LVS
Reading Lists 1) Kang, Sung-Mo and Leblebici, Yusuf, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits- Analysis and Design, McGraw-Hill, 2005 (Text book). 1) Hodges, David A. et al, Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits in Deep Submicron Technology, Mc- Graw-Hill, ) Neil H.E. Weste and Daid Harris, CMOS VLSI Design- A Circuits and Systems Perspective, Prentice Hall, ) Uyemura, J. P., Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, John Wiley, ) Rabaey, J. M. et al, Digital Integrated Circuits – A Design Perspective, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
Evaluation Course Work– 40% Assignments (3): 10% Mini project & Lab : 35% Final Exam – 60%
EXPECTATIONS Attend classes and labs. Find out what you’ve missed if you’re absent. Come earlier than the lecturer/tutors.. Ask lecturer/tutor whenever have any problems related with the subject.
WHAT IS IC? ICs on PCB IC Package Inside IC Wafer
= = IC Layout IC Schematic
Why VLSI? Integration improves the design Lower parasitics = higher speed Lower power consumption Physically smaller Integration reduces manufacturing cost - (almost) no manual assembly