teaching with technology Ruth Adkins
9 th Grade
A.7 The student will investigate and analyze function (linear and quadratic) families and their characteristics both algebraically and graphically, including a) determining whether a relation is a function e) finding the values of a function for elements in its domain (Mathematics Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools – February 2009) Algebra I (9 th grade)
Functions Concept map With a partner, brainstorm what you (as a 9 th grader) already know about functions As a class, we will create a concept map
Function what is a the function machine
10 th Grade
AII.7 The student will investigate and analyze functions algebraically and graphically. Key concepts include h) composition of multiple functions (Mathematics Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools – February 2009) Algebra II (10 th grade)
Composite Function what is a Definition Examples Video example
11 th Grade
Math Analysis (11 th grade) MA.2 The student will apply compositions of functions and inverses of functions to real-world situations. Analytical methods and graphing utilities will be used to investigate and verify the domain and range of resulting functions. (Mathematics Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools – February 2009)
Composite Functions applications of Use your graphing calculator to help you work the example.
12 th Grade
AP Calculus (12 th grade) APC.9 The student will apply formulas to find derivatives. This will include b) derivations of sums, products, quotients, inverses, and composites (chain rule) of elementary functions (Mathematics Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools –2001)
Chain Rule
Composite Function derivative of a video tutorial
(f o g)’ = f’(g(x))g’(x)
1. How was technology used in these lessons? Reflection
2. Was it effective ?
3. Would this keep students engaged in learning?
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Brain Networks and Learning Types Recognition Strategic Affective
Resources Math Movies Virtual Math Manipulatives Web Quests
Other Technologies in Classrooms Document camera Interwrite Tablet Smartboards
21 st century students
Sources: Virginia Standards of Learning, 2001, 2009 National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Tulyn.com, math tutorials Calculus-help.com Universal Design for Learning