AS Level ICT Evaluation of ICT-related solutions
Evaluation – Why? When the solution to a problem has been designed and implemented, it is always useful to evaluate the solution so that lessons can be learned and mistakes can be avoided in the future The best way to evaluate a solution is to answer pertinent questions: –Did the final solution meet all the client’s needs? –What problems arose during the processes of design and implementation? –How were these problems overcome?
Evaluation – Meeting the client’s needs To evaluate whether or not the solution meets the client’s needs, certain questions need to be answered: –How closely did the solution match the client’s original requirements? –If the solution did not match the clients’s original requirements, how did they not match and what were the reasons? –What modifications were necessary to both the client’s requirements and/or the solution during its development?
Evaluation – Meeting the client’s needs –Were any compromises necessary, and if so, what were they? –Does the solution have any limitations, and if so, what are they? An evaluation needs to address these questions and answer them in full
Evaluation – What makes an ICT solution effective? If an ICT solution is to be adjudged as successful it must: –Meet all the client’s requirements –Ensure that it is very difficult to process inaccurate data –Use the most appropriate methods to collect and input data –Use the most appropriate methods to display outputs –Ensure that any outputs are accurate
Evaluation – What makes an ICT solution effective? –Ensure that any outputs are produced in a logical order –Display relevant and helpful error messages if incorrect, inaccurate, or erroneous data are inputted –Ensure that health and safety issues are addressed –Ensure that the user interface is easy to use –Ensure that all aspects of the solution are easy for the user and any intended audience to use
Evaluation – What makes an ICT solution effective? –Ensure that any text is spelt correctly and is grammatically accurate –Only contain material (e.g. images, information) within the solution is accurate and up-to-date –Use appropriate design elements (e.g. fonts, font size, colour schemes) –Match the capabilities of the user and/or audience
Evaluation – Feedback Feedback from the client, users, and potential audiences should inform any evaluation that is produced Feedback can be obtained in a variety of ways including: –Interviews with clients, users, and audiences –Questionnaires completed by clients, users, and audiences –Observations of users and audiences using beta-test versions of the solution
Evaluation – Making an ineffective solution effective During the process of evaluation, it should become apparent if the solution falls short of the client’s requirements in any way These short-falls should be noted so that strategies can be adopted to eliminate them This would ensure that an ineffective solution can be made more effective It is not always possible to implement any or all of the necessary strategies during the available time- frame; however, knowing what the short-falls are and how to overcome them is absolutely essential
AS Level ICT Evaluation of ICT-related solutions