Is the breakthrough in smart sampling technology at hand? An update of progress & missing links on the road to NeSSI Gen II Rob Dubois CPAC Workshop, Seattle, WA, May 11, 2006 “the best way to predict the future is to create it”
2 Presentation Outline The Roadmap and Generations Progress and missing links Example of an enabler How do get the WOW factor Summary and questions
3 NeSSI™ Roadmap Gen III Gen II Gen I Fluid Components Electrical Networked & Smart uAnalytical END USER VALUE
4 JEB Stuart Were we circling Washington?
5 Progress on 7 elements of Gen II (1) Smart transducers (2) Programmable heated substrate base (3) Combi valve (4) Multi-Drop IS serial bus (5) temp. controlled microClimate enclosure (6) Sensor Actuator Manager (SAM) (7) PDA – graphical user interface
6 (1) Progress: Transducers Flow –Thermal – cons: current load, wiring complexity, robustness? –DP with orifice – cons: pressure drop, size, cost? –Rotameter switch/tx cons: cost and size –need new technologies Pressure & Temperature Analytical (early stages) Objective: –single block, multi-drop –combine transmit and local indication into one package Courtesy of FCI
7 Flow Devices - Today Courtesy of Dow Chemical
8 What’s different about this analytical system? Courtesy of Dow Chemical
9 Pressure and Flow by Differential Pressure/Orifice Courtesy of UOP
10 (2) Progress - Smart Heaters Approved for ATEX/CSA Zone 1 First identified in 2003 now deployed in several locations Missing link is the connectivity to smart devices or stand-alone Courtesy of Intertec
11 Smart Heaters – the value Increase Reliability –early detection of heater failure (prevent freezing and condensation/2-phase systems) –networking allows remote monitoring and setpoint change Technology Enabler –precision temp. controls supports the use of microanalytical on a substrate – enables ramping and zoning –in combination with a precise flow meter allows use of permeation calibration devices eliminating gas cylinders Enhanced Capabilities –higher temperature operation by controlling heater surface below the T-zone temp. - an alternative to air bath systems Cost Savings –conduction heat is more efficient than air heating –allows smaller package by compact hotplate design
12 Smart heaters in action (…also good size comparison) All pictures courtesy of Dow Chemical
13 (3) Combi-Valve Proposed Modulating & On- Off Valves –challenges size power budget cost networking technology to make modulating is tough –Proportional Valve is missing link A Air Actuator Inst Air Valve Vent Comm. D/A Solenoid
14 Simple On-Off Valve Driver Current solution –on/off solenoid manifolds –needs “safe” area for installation –various buses Courtesy of SMC
15 (4) Progress: Multi-Drop Intrinsically Safe Bus The inability to align to a standard has prevented us from moving ahead –component makers “in limbo” Good Features: plug and play, IS, low cost, low power, small, small range, std. connector Is this still the missing link?
16 (5) Enclosure Progress: Clamshell Design – Flexible Connections Courtesy of ExxonMobil Still a need for convection heating….
17 (6/7) SAM and the PDA Concentrates sensor/actuator signals –without this capability we will be doomed to dumb systems –running signals from each sensor & actuator to a facilities DCS system is not cost effective –handheld PDA useful for local monitoring & simple control
18 V P A F Sensor/Actuator Manager (SAM) NeSSI™-bus (e.g. IS-CiA) Fluid Handling System r-SAM (PC) dcs Smart Analyzer Heater Ethernet by supplier I. smart
19 V P A F Sensor/Actuator Manager (SAM) NeSSI™-bus (e.g. IS-CiA) Fluid Handling System r-SAM (PC) dcs Simple & legacy Analyzer Heater Ethernet 4-20 mA discrete by supplier Sol Vlv II. simple
20 V P A F Sensor/Actuator Manager (SAM) NeSSI™-bus (e.g. IS-CiA) Fluid Handling System r-SAM (PC) dcs Heater Ethernet microAnalyzer Sol. Vlv by supplier III. micro
21 Oh, the humanity…legacy wiring Modular system with intrinsically safe discrete wiring – Dow Chemical (hydrogen service) NeSSI-box wiring analogue and digital wiring – Dow Chemical
22 Enabler: Small flows allow wider use of catalytic sample disposal systems cost savings enabled by by- line analysis and low volume modular systems –eliminate vents environmental protection –a temperature sensor can monitor catalyst depletion or heater failure and alarm that unit is failing performance enhancement –atmospheric reference with no environmental impact – no analyzer backpressure issues TRACErase is Courtesy of MerTech
23 How do I achieve the WOW factor? Function Intensification Reduce weight and space Easily reconfigurable Simplify the design and spec process –one stop shopping, integration and check-out Plug and Play communication Minimize certification issues Sensor/Actuator signal concentration/control loops SMART (automated) – but configurable and easy (fun?) to use for the analyzer technician (e.g. intuitive menu structure and graphics )
24 Who will climb Mount Fuji? What do we need to do to fill the missing links?