A personal earnings statement like that seen in a paycheck will provide basic information about how many hours someone worked and at what rate, and it will list the deductions for company health insurance, taxes, retirement accounts, and so forth. Many earnings statements also show employees how many sick and vacation days they have accrued. The bottom line of this statement shows the net or take home pay which the employee is entitled to after all of the deductions.
Every pay period ◦ Weekly ◦ Bi-weekly ◦ Monthly ◦ semi-monthly
It is important to review an earnings statement carefully, whether it involves a company's income or an individual's. People should look for obvious errors or discrepancies which suggest problems with bookkeeping, and in the case of personal statements, they should bring such errors on an earnings statement to the attention of the accounting department. For example, someone may note that he or she worked overtime but did not receive overtime pay, or that an improper amount was deducted for a company-sponsored retirement plan.