Distance Learning Using WebCT Bill Moss College of Engineering and Science Clemson University June 2, 1999
What is a Course Management System? History Mergers and acquisitions Publisher partnerships Online degree programs Online course services
What are the Top Products? WebCT: Blackboard CourseInfo: Feature comparisons: – –
Implementation Local server and management Remote server providers Campus bandwidth issues
Course Design Issues Pedagogy Ownership of materials Design services, local and remote Faculty development and support Teaching load
WebCT at Clemson Training link: sign up Clemson WebCT Courses link –Main: Calculus Concepts login using key icon –Mathematical Sciences: MTHSC 434 (Moss) login using username=guest password=434moss
WebCT Authoring Upload web pages created off-line, make available with the link tool or the path tool. Fill in textboxes, browse to choose icons and images. Upload database files for batch entry of quiz questions or calendar entries. Edit web pages with Netscape Composer.
WebCT Communication Tools Bulletin board –public and workgroup forums Private mail Calendar Chat and whiteboard Student presentations –individual and workgroup Viewing of grades
WebCT Assessment Tools Quizzes –5 question types –4 automatically graded Self-test Anonymous surveys Page tracking
WebCT Content Tools Table of Contents (Path) Glossary Index Search CD-ROM
References WebCT homepage list of institutions using WebCT, create your own course, try a course. WebCT at the University of Georgia: create your own accounts in courses with the key icon.