WHO AM I? ESL teacher (12 years) 3 years teaching ‘online’ Professional Development Officer (Online Learning) TAFE SA Online Learning Coordinator (Douglas Mawson TAFE)
Online Learning - evolution: Online learning = off campus only the module phase low take up of modules the term online learning is being replaced by e-LEARNING to reflect the variety of activity
From Networking 99:
WHY GO ONLINE? (10 good reasons) 1.Australia has more than 4M Internet users = about 20% of the population. (comparison with VCR’s) 2.Convenience factor for students
OPINION: “ Does anyone really think they can get a degree online that is the equivalent of getting one from a real university where you can brush shoulders with colleagues in a professional and academic environment? ONLINE EDUCATION IS A SCAM. BIG TIME.”
THE REPLY#1 If I hadn’t been able to do my degree online it never would have happened. I was able to do it: while looking after my family without childcare costs whenever I wanted without stress with no travel costs
THE REPLY #2 I received: more one to one attention than I ever got in a face to face course a reply to queries and assignments within 24 hours, and often 12. ========================= ONLINE EDUCATION IS NO SCAM. IT OPENS DOORS FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME.
WHY GO ONLINE? 3. Many students want it: QLD TAFE survey (1998) - 20% DMI TAFE survey (2000) - 42% of students expressed desire to do all or part of their course online. (1400 students surveyed)
POTENTIAL DEMAND FOR SA TAFE if around 40% of TAFE SA students want online option….. currently 90,000 TAFE SA students 40% of 90,000 = 36,000 students!
WHY GO ONLINE? 4. The Internet is the best resource the world has ever seen. Why would you NOT use it? (Guess where this photograph came from?) (flash)flash)
WHY GO ONLINE? 5. Research: students who have access to both online and classroom training do best. 6. We owe it to students to encourage web based computer/research skills. 7. Strategic direction: national (ANTA); state (VLE); institutional strategic plans
WHY GO ONLINE? 8. Bond between student and lecturer via communication tools 9. It is both a professional challenge and an inspiration. 10. “Technology will not replace teachers, but teachers who use technology will replace teachers who don’t.”
WHY GO ONLINE? 11. The corporate perspective: many companies are embracing online learning saves them money saves downtime they have the money
Ettp (TAFE SA) national/international profile via use of WebCT platform WebCT institute Hosting regional conferences (April 2001) ettp (education technology transfer protocol): e-commerce arm of TAFE SA ( online education consultants
from smoke signals to the Internet Man - the compulsive communicator (David Attenborough)
Professional Development Officer (Online Learning) TAFE SA Michael Coghlan (Thank you)