Professor Shirley Leitch Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Swinburne Online: meeting the needs of business, industry and the community
Swinburne 2 Swinburne Online: meeting the needs of business, industry and the community The tertiary landscape 2008 Bradley Review of Australian Higher Education By 2025, 40 per cent of Australians aged years will hold a bachelor degree Uncapped Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) all universities 2012
Swinburne 3 Swinburne Online: meeting the needs of business, industry and the community -Limitations of physical infrastructure -Maintaining high quality educational experience -Funding based on student demand -On-campus model doesn’t suit all students Challenges in the uncapped market
Swinburne 4 Swinburne Online: meeting the needs of business, industry and the community -High quality teaching and learning -Excellent student experience -Industry engaged learning and partnerships -Online education expertise Swinburne University of Technology
Swinburne 5 Swinburne Online: meeting the needs of business, industry and the community -Market intelligence -Business acumen -Leader in e-learning student recruitment -Experience partnering with universities SEEK Limited
Swinburne 6 Swinburne Online: meeting the needs of business, industry and the community -Partnership company -Academic rigour combined with business intelligence -Unlimited growth potential -New model for high quality online education Swinburne Online
Swinburne 7 Swinburne Online: meeting the needs of business, industry and the community -High quality, interactive, mobile learning -Specifically designed for Australian adults -Programs driven by market demand -Skilled graduates for business and industry Swinburne Online
Professor Shirley Leitch Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Swinburne Online: meeting the needs of business, industry and the community