1. 2  Based on 2014-15 test results and data  The same data calculations and reporting rules used as those in fall 2014 with two exceptions: removal.


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Presentation transcript:



 Based on test results and data  The same data calculations and reporting rules used as those in fall 2014 with two exceptions: removal of EL/MS/Alternate science and addition of K-3 program review  Next-Generation Learners (77%)  Achievement  Gap  Growth  Readiness  Graduation Rate  Next Generation Instructional Programs and Support (23%)  Writing, Arts & Humanities, Practical Living/Career Studies, and K-3 (elementary only) 3

 August 3 – PearsonAccess opens  K-PREP individual student results (i.e., Novice, Apprentice, Proficient and Distinguished)  End-of-Course results already available earlier after testing  August 17-27: District/School Data Clean-up in SDRR  September 16: Online Quality Control Day for DACs  September 29: Embargoed Data Released to Districts and Working Media  October 1: Public Reporting 4



 302 total responses, with slightly over 44% indicating participants are Kentucky citizens and 43.05% teach Social Studies in Kentucky  99 school districts represented in comments Lowest rated standards:  67% agreement (Like as is) on Kindergarten Global Interconnections Standard; 69% agreement (Like as is) on High School Economy Standard Highest rated standards:  85% agreement (Like as is) on 1 st grade Global Economy Standard; 86% agreement (Like as is) on Kindergarten National Economy Standard  Average rated standard (percent that indicate they like the standard as is): 77% 7


Training opportunities include:  Jenny Wiley State Park Monday, August 31, :00 – 4:00 ET  Pennyrile Forest State Park Thursday, September 10, :00 – 4:00 CT  General Butler State Park Tuesday, September 15, :00 – 4:00 ET  Barren River State Park Thursday, September 24, :00 – 4:00 CT  Eastern KY University Tuesday, September 29, :00 – 4:00 ET Districts are invited to send a 2-4 member team ideally comprised of the District Program Review Contact/Lead and District Leadership Team members. The training will focus on the purpose of the Program Review, the audit process, examining the rubric, and defining data and evidence that will help support Program Reviews in the best, most effective method. To register: For any questions or additional information, contact Jamee Barton at 9



12  The Early Childhood Toolkit was created to serve as a resource guide for superintendents and district leaders to work with families, early childhood providers, and community partners to increase kindergarten readiness.  The toolkit is divided into five sub-sections to help districts identify specific supports for building a strong early childhood emphasis in the school and community setting.  To access the Early Childhood Toolkit, go to: nal/SSRT/Pages/default.aspx. nal/SSRT/Pages/default.aspx


 There were a total of 1,341 standards available for feedback 875 English/language arts 466 mathematics  We registered some sort of feedback on: 100% of mathematics standards 99% of E/LA standards  Nearly 4,000 users 14

User Roles 15

Overall Stats *Totals may exceed 100% because participants were able to recommend more than one change to the standards. 16

 All comments are posted online.  Content teams and key stakeholders will analyze the feedback and propose revisions that would improve the overall quality and appropriateness of the standards to promote college/career- readiness.  The teams will make recommendations on any changes to the Kentucky Board of Education.  If the KBE approves any changes, they would not go into effect until at least the school year to give teachers time to prepare. 17


 SB 97 increased the compulsory education age from 16 to 18 and took effect for most districts on July 1,  Frequently Asked Questions are posted on the KDE website.  Any additional questions should be directed to Christina Weeter, or 19



22  The 2015 Superintendents’ Summit tentatively is to be held on September 17, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET in the Ballroom of the Capital Plaza Hotel in Frankfort. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. To register for this summit please click here. here  Whether the summit occurs on September 17 depends on the availability of the new commissioner. KDE wants to ensure that he/she will be able to attend and interact with superintendents.  KDE will make the decision by September 1 on whether the summit will proceed to be held on September 17 or be postponed to a date that the new commissioner can definitely attend.


 12 candidates interviewed on August in Louisville  Background and reference checks now being conducted on leading candidates  Board to conduct meeting on August 25 in Lexington to review the additional information gathered on the leading candidates  Finalists to be interviewed on August in Lexington 24