Mesopotamian Civilization 1. Cultural 2. Political 3. Religious 4. Economic 1.Cultural 2.Political 3.Religion 4.Economic
Cultural Humans discovered farming, domesticated animals, and established villages. Life began to evolve. A form of writing called cuneiform was invented. Pit was read by using pictures for objects and markings for numbers. Slavery was an essential need and was excepted in early civilization.
Political Mesopotamia was ruled by a god-king: the only acceptable political arrangement. The pharaoh ruled in accordance to Ma’at which means “justice, law, right, and truth.” To oppose the pharaoh was to violate the universal order. Breaking the law resulted in severe consequences “and eye for an eye”
Religion Religion was the Mesopotamians’ was their way for understanding nature, society, and themselves. Gods controlled everything: moon, sun, storms, irrigation and the fields. A major part of their religion was the afterlife. They expressed this importance through pyramids, mummification, and funerary art.
Economic Trade and commerce developed because farmers learned how to use the rivers to irrigate and travel. Money wasn't used to trade goods and services.They developed a writing system to keep track of buying and selling. Business men set up trading posts in distant lands, making them pioneers of international trading.
By: Dee Griffin the end