RETIREMENT LIFE INSURANCE INVESTMENTS In It for the Long Run? Many Americans could better train for retirement Research Study Supplement C R (11/10)
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Its not just crossing the finish line… its how you get there, and what shape youre in 2 Marathon participation is close to a universal sport… nearly anyone can take part on some level: Running, jogging or walking… full or half marathons, or smaller races and walkathons, or cousin decathlons or triathlons Participants with disabilities are welcomed and accommodated Individuals of all ages can participate Supporting events and activities can help instill the fitness ethic in our children and future participants, preparing them for life and future fitness INGs marathon sponsorships offer an apt metaphor for retirement planning: Everyone can do it, with dedication, perseverance and planning Skill is not required so much as the right preparation Small steps and adjustments may turn into hoped-for results later, especially over longer periods of time Adequate planning may mean the difference between success or failure to complete the race Training / preparing is multi-dimensional Coaching can help Recent ING research indicates that many Americans are not adequately training for their retirement! Marathon participation is close to a universal sport… nearly anyone can take part on some level: Running, jogging or walking… full or half marathons, or smaller races and walkathons, or cousin decathlons or triathlons Participants with disabilities are welcomed and accommodated Individuals of all ages can participate Supporting events and activities can help instill the fitness ethic in our children and future participants, preparing them for life and future fitness INGs marathon sponsorships offer an apt metaphor for retirement planning: Everyone can do it, with dedication, perseverance and planning Skill is not required so much as the right preparation Small steps and adjustments may turn into hoped-for results later, especially over longer periods of time Adequate planning may mean the difference between success or failure to complete the race Training / preparing is multi-dimensional Coaching can help Recent ING research indicates that many Americans are not adequately training for their retirement!
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Successful running requires preparation and planning… help and plans are available 3
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Underestimating the power of small steps 4 An increase of this amount would have a fair amount to great deal of impact on my ability to achieve a secure retirement. Investors, especially younger investors with longer time horizons, may underestimate the long-term power of even incremental increases in retirement savings. Three-quarters of youngest investors fail to realize that saving even an additional 1% could have a significant impact on their eventual retirement savings. If I contributed this much more % who think it would have a fair amount or a great deal of impact on their ability to achieve a secure retirement
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline A (retirement) plan… basic (retirement) tools & training 5 If I didnt have a plan at work, I wouldnt be saving for retirement at all. (44%) My workplace plan (i.e. 401(k), 403(b), 457) is my first investment. (58%) The plan is how I learned about investing. (52%) Which best describes the role of your employer plan investment in your retirement portfolio?
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Yet many are running solo… without a coach or a plan 6 While this study focused on individuals who currently have and participate in a retirement plan offered through their employer, few seek the council of a financial advisor, and few have a formal financial plan. Universally, people do not tend to use an advisor or have a formal financial plan, but both activities do increase with age, income and education. Do you have a comprehensive financial plan for retirement? Do you work with a professional financial advisor?
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline They set their own direction 7 How do you decide how much to contribute to your employers plan? People are most likely to calculate their retirement investment amount on their own, but those who have an advisor are more likely to depend on outside resources. Those least likely to rely on their own gut instincts are those who do have a comprehensive financial plan for retirement. They are also more likely to decide their investment amount on their own, but use some sort of calculation.
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Preferred coaches 8 Which has the most influence in getting you to start saving for retirement? Employers and advisors are the most influential resources for people who rely on outside resources for plan investment decisions.
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline I got a raise! But did I give myself one?!? 9 Most working investors, 62%, reported getting a raise in salary in the past year. Yet in response to economic pressures, in the past two years retirement investment has remained flat… or dropped slightly. Only one-fifth have given themselves a retirement raise.
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Todays Training: Current Contribution 10 Approximately how much of your salary do you currently contribute to your employers plan? Which best describes your current contribution level? Just under one-fifth contribute more than 10% of salary to their employers retirement plan. Contribution rates spike at 3% and 6%, which are common employer-match thresholds. Spikes at 5%, 10% and 15% may be due to the anchoring effects of how people attach to these common reference numbers. A third feel that they are investing all that they are able to afford, while a quarter contribute just enough for the full employer match. % of pay contributed to employer plan % who currently contribute this amount
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Could it be more? How? 11 Percent (who do not contribute the maximum) who say they could afford to increase their plan contribution by 1%, 3% or 5% Of the 92% of investors who do not invest the maximum, most say that they could probably save more. Generally, they would plan to do this by cutting back on luxuries such as eating out or scaling down on vacations. A quarter, though, report that they would work overtime or take another job to support the increase. Just 11% feel that they would be able to support the increase with no sacrifice or lifestyle change Habit or lifestyle change that would enable the increase I could contribute an additional: % who say they could contribute the additional amount
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Moving ahead: Good intentions 12 The vast majority of retirement investors – 96% – plan to continue their plan investment next year, two- thirds at the same rate and one-fifth at a higher rate. Only 2% say they plan to decrease their contributions, and another 12% simply arent sure what they will do. Only a quarter of todays retirement investors plan to increase their contributions. Two-thirds will let inertia continue their current contribution levels. Good Intentions and eventual inertia may reduce the percent who plan to increase. Will you contribute to your employers plan next year? Will you change your investment rate? By how much?
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Looking back… 13 In response to the economy, roughly one-fifth reduced the amount they save for retirement and just about the same increased – with 60% maintaining level savings. Cutting back on lifestyles, however, is not a major driver of increased retirement saving. In response to the economy, over the past couple of years, what have you done about your retirement savings amount? Roughly what portion of the money you have saved by cutting back on your lifestyle has gone into retirement savings?
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline How long is the race? 14 How much longer do you plan to work? More than half of all investors plan to work for at least another 20 or more years. Individuals who have an advisor generally expect to retire earlier than those who do not, as do those who have a plan (although slightly less so). Unmarried individuals are much more likely to expect to work for longer periods of time – one-fifth for 40 or more years
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Progress: Making the grade 15 Financially, how would you grade the job you are doing in preparing for retirement? Overall, two-thirds of investors give themselves an A or a B in retirement preparation, and men are more likely than women to give themselves a top grade. Most investors, however, grade themselves in the middle of the pack, with a B or C. Investors in their 20s are more likely than other age ranges to consider themselves at the head of the pack in financial preparation for retirement. Older investors, those who may be more likely to have a pension or greater confidence in Social Security, are most likely to give themselves a solid B retirement grade.
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Making the grade: Having a plan 16 Financially, how would you grade the job you are doing in preparing for retirement? People with a comprehensive plan are twice as likely to give themselves an A as those who do not have one. People with an advisor are more likely to give themselves a more moderate B. More individuals with either a plan or an advisor, however, are more likely to give themselves top grades than the general universe of investors… and less likely to consider themselves C or below retirement investors. Having a plan may be empowering to retirement investors. Supplemental ING Research (The Hearts and Minds of Retirement Investors, available at indicates that control is one of the most attractive aspects of todays Defined Contribution system. Still, investors who work with a financial advisor may be more realistic in their B self-assessments. Having a plan may be empowering to retirement investors. Supplemental ING Research (The Hearts and Minds of Retirement Investors, available at indicates that control is one of the most attractive aspects of todays Defined Contribution system. Still, investors who work with a financial advisor may be more realistic in their B self-assessments.
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Research details 17 The national survey of 1,000 workers currently participating in an employer-sponsored retirement plan such as 401(k), 403(b), or 457 plan was conducted online by Mathew Greenwald & Associates through the Research Now panel, a panel that includes a large majority of U.S. households. The data were gathered between September 24 and 28, Quotas were set to get roughly equal samples of those in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s and of men and women. Total data was weighted within each category to reflect U.S. Census statistics of employed individuals. The 95% confidence interval margin of error for the total sample is +/- 3.1%. AllMenWomen AGE % %26%24% % % 25% GENDER Men54% Women46% EMPLOYED Full-time94%98%90% Part-time6%2%10% EMPLOYER PLAN 401(k)82%87%77% 403(b)15%9%22% 4573%4%2% MARITAL STATUS Married60%65%54% Living with significant other9%7%10% Divorced or separated7%6%8% Widowed1%-2% Single, never married24%22%26% FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR CHILDREN YOUNGER THAN 18 Yes36%40%30% No64%60%70% Demographics Methodology
Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Important information 18 Nothing contained herein should be construed as (i) an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy any security or (ii) a recommendation as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing or selling any security. Any opinions expressed herein reflect our judgment and are subject to change. Certain of the statements contained herein are statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on management's current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Actual results, performance or events may differ materially from those in such statements due to, without limitation, (1) general economic conditions, (2) performance of financial markets, (3) interest rate levels, (4) increasing levels of loan defaults (5) changes in laws and regulations and (6) changes in the policies of governments and/or regulatory authorities. The opinions, views and information expressed in this presentation are subject to change without notice based on market conditions and other factors. The information provided is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Products and services are offered through ING family of companies. Please log on to for information regarding other products and services offered through ING family of companies. Not all products are available in all states. © 2010 ING North America Insurance Corporation Nothing contained herein should be construed as (i) an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy any security or (ii) a recommendation as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing or selling any security. Any opinions expressed herein reflect our judgment and are subject to change. Certain of the statements contained herein are statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on management's current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Actual results, performance or events may differ materially from those in such statements due to, without limitation, (1) general economic conditions, (2) performance of financial markets, (3) interest rate levels, (4) increasing levels of loan defaults (5) changes in laws and regulations and (6) changes in the policies of governments and/or regulatory authorities. The opinions, views and information expressed in this presentation are subject to change without notice based on market conditions and other factors. The information provided is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Products and services are offered through ING family of companies. Please log on to for information regarding other products and services offered through ING family of companies. Not all products are available in all states. © 2010 ING North America Insurance Corporation