presented by Dr. Susan Gaulden, Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Coordinator & Mathematics Professor Convocation 2010 T HE P LAN FOR F ACULTY -L ED, C OURSE -L EVEL S TUDENT L EARNING O UTCOMES (SLO) A SSESSMENT AT ECC
Since “Learning can and often does take place without the benefit of teaching – and sometimes even in spite of it – but there is no such thing as effective teaching in the absence of learning. Teaching without learning is just talking.” – from Assessing Student Learning: a common sense guide, 2 nd edition by Linda Suskie we need to determine to what extent students are learning what we think we are teaching them in our courses. To do this, we must plan and implement course-level assessment at ECC. 1 S. Gaulden, Convocation 2010
A SSESSMENT IS THE ONGOING PROCESS OF : 1. Establishing clear, measurable expected SLOs, or student learning outcomes, evidence of the knowledge, skills, attitudes, etc. students have once they successfully complete a course T O DO THIS : all Course Outlines at ECC will need to be revised by the faculty to include Course Goals, Measurable Course Performance Objectives (MPOs) for each course goal, and General Education Goals, if applicable. 2. Ensuring that students have sufficient opportunities to achieve those outcomes T O DO THIS : all faculty will ensure that class sessions will include content that addresses and emphasizes course goals and corresponding MPOs 2 S. Gaulden, Convocation 2010
3. Systematically gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence to determine how well students learning matches our expectations T O DO THIS : 10 or so courses will be selected to be assessed for student learning outcomes each semester; faculty who teach these courses and who will lead the SLO assessment of these courses will be identified and invited to join the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Team (SLOAT); SLOAT will provide training on and support to implement effective course- embedded SLO assessment 4. Using the results to understand and improve student learning T O DO THIS : findings determined by SLOAT members will be shared collegially and used to guide pedagogical and curricular revision to improve student learning in our courses ideas synthesized from Assessing Student Learning: a common sense guide, 2 nd edition by Linda Suskie and Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers, 2 nd edition by Thomas A. Angelo & K. Patricia Cross 3 S. Gaulden, Convocation 2010
F ALL 2010 C OURSE O UTLINE R EVISION T RAINING S CHEDULE All full-time faculty at ECC will be trained on how to revise Course Outlines to include Course Goals, Measurable Course Performance Objectives (MPOs) for each course goal, and Gen Ed Goals, if applicable. DateDivision(s)/Department(s) Tuesday, 9/14Allied Health and Nursing Thursday, 9/16 Bilingual Studies and Humanities Tuesday, 9/21 Biology & Chemistry and Business Thursday, 9/23CAF and Social Sciences Tuesday, 9/28ETCS and Math & Physics Thursday, 9/30 Make-up session (any Division/Department) Course Outline Revision Training Schedule 4 S. Gaulden, Convocation 2010
F ALL 2010 SLO A SSESSMENT C OURSE S CHEDULE SLOAT 1 members will assess SLOs in 10 courses in Fall 2010 Findings will be shared at a SLO Assessment Symposium to be held in Spring 2011 AFE 083 AFM 083 ART 100 BIO 121 BUS 101 ENG 096 ENG 101 MTH 092 MTH 100 SOC 101 Courses to be Assessed 5 S. Gaulden, Convocation 2010