Household Projections and Forest Land Loss Presentation for the Governors Commission on Sustainable Forestry July 20, 2005 Maryland Department of Planning
Forest Land Change 249,396 = Acres of forest land lost to development ,599 = Forest acres lost per year % = Forest lands converted to development ,406 = # of HH developed on forest land ,791 = Average new HH per year = Acres of forest consumed per HH Land Use numbers are from MDP land use / land cover data. HH Projections are prepared by MDP, Planning Data Services, May 2004
Approximately an average of 8,600 acres lost per year 2002
Household Projections
1,980,859 Households in ,555,755 Households in 2030 Additional 574,896 Households
Subdivision of Land in Agricultural Zoning Districts = Central MD = Southern MD = Lower ES = Upper ES = Western MD