Governor Martin OMalley
StateStat TENETS Accurate and timely intelligence shared by all. Rapid deployment of resources Effective tactics and strategies Relentless follow-up and assessment
BACKGROUND Modeled after a similar program developed by the New York City Police Department. CitiStat represents the extended application of the same basic principles to the management of all functions. Utilizing existing information technology systems and off- the-shelf software limited our initial non-personnel start-up costs to just $20,000.
The StateStat Process
Managers are required to report on critical service initiatives and questioned about agency performance. Opportunities to improve coordination and cooperation are identified; strategies to achieve improvement are formulated. StateStat PROCESS
Participating agencies submit customized data templates on a bi-weekly basis to report on key performance indicators. StateStat PROCESS
Data is carefully analyzed, performance trends are closely monitored, and strategies to achieve improved performance are developed. StateStat PROCESS
Digital maps are used to plot complaints, vacant homes, lead paint violations, food inspections, and potholes, allowing managers to track employee performance and public service delivery. StateStat PROCESS
CitiTrack, the Citys information technology system that supports the One Call to City Hall concept via 311, captures hundreds of different service request categories. This data is in turn reviewed during agencies regular CitiStat meetings.
Providing a Visible Presence in the Field BeforeAfter
StateStat PROCESS Field Visits Improve Supervision
Since FY02, monthly budget updates have been added to the CitiStat process, to focus analysis on vacancy rates, overtime, and revenue streams. StateStat PROCESS
Each week a comprehensive executive briefing is prepared for each agency that highlights areas of concern. StateStat PROCESS
CitiStat has undertaken categorical and individual initiative tracking efforts dating back to FY2000 and FY2001 for cost savings, cost avoidance, and revenue enhancement initiatives. All told through FY2005, CitiStat can point to over $350 million in quantified financial impacts, without assigning any financial value to the many significant service level improvements achieved during that time. CitiStat IMPACT
StateStat IMPACT Open and Transparent Government
Visiting Municipalities
Governor Martin OMalley