Songsak Saicheua 30 July 2014
Outline : 1. Thailand’s 5Ps approach and Future Works 2. NPCO’s Policies & Regulations - New Measures on Labor issue - New Measures on Fisheries Sector
Thailand’s 5Ps approach 1. Prosecution 2. Protection 3. Prevention 4. Policy and Implementation 5. Partnership + Future Work
NPCO’s Policies Strong political will Human Trafficking as one of NPCO’s Top Priority Issues In tackling forced labor and human trafficking, NCPO Integrates issues of Migrant worker for more systematic and integrated manner Set up The Policy Committee and Subcommittee on Alien Workers and Human Trafficking
Systematizing migrant workers’ registration (Migrants workers registering by 21 July 2014 will be granted temporary work permit valid 60 days) Set up Special Economic Zone in provinces along the borders Improvement of related law enforcement and court systems for human trafficking cases
Set up 46 One Stop Service Centers (OSSC) – both in Bangkok and provinces Systematize database of fishing boats, and labors on fishing boats (or both Thai and migrant workers) Set up Labor Coordinating Center for fishing sector in coastal provinces Development on Good Labor Practices (GLP) *****