Welcome Back Mrs. Maas Room 416 August 27 (A) -28 (B), 2014
Finding your Seats… Grab your name tent from the basket Sit in alphabetical order by your first name Name tent = put on your desk Begin your warm up (true / false statements)
Warm Up Can you believe it….. All statements are false!!!!
Activity 1: 8 minutes Turn to the back of your paper(warm up) Draw a picture of a ‘scientist’ Be creative, color it! Fill up your entire paper with your picture
Passing Papers In…. Make sure your name is on your paper Pass in your paper using our procedure for passing papers Remember….we pass left to right
Activity #2: Student Survey Complete all pages of the student survey silently as best you can….. If you finish early, go back through and add to your answers or draw a picture on the back. 15 minutes….
Passing Papers In…. Make sure your name is on your survey Pass in your paper using our procedure for passing papers Remember….we pass left to right
J.M.M.S Code of Conduct PowerPoint Presentation
Determination and Effort Video!!!
Review Class rules Discipline consequences Classroom procedures so far Classroom behavior expectations
Classroom Rule 1 Stay in your seat at all times Why is this important?
Classroom Rule 2 Raise your hand to speak Why is this important?
Classroom Rule 3 Follow directions the first time they are given Why is this important?
Classroom Rule 4 Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Why is this important?
Classroom Rule 5 No inappropriate language Why is this important?
Questions???? Does anyone have any questions about our 5 classroom rules?
Discipline Consequences 1 st offense = verbal warning, name on board 2 nd offense = check mark by your name 3 rd offense = move to an isolated seat for the remainder of class to complete the ‘fix-it’ essay (teacher will stop class and call parent immediately so student can read letter about disrupting class) 4 th offense = lunch detention (sitting at the designated table in cafeteria) plus a 2 nd parent phone call home 5 th offense = disciplinary referral written, administration notified, 3 rd parent phone call home
Classroom Procedure 1 Entering the Classroom Students will line up in the hallway, against the lockers, and then wait to be invited in by the teacher
Classroom Procedure 2 Sharpening pencils Students will sharpen their pencils at the beginning of class before the final bell rings You must have a personal sharpener to use at your seat once class begins
Classroom Procedure 3 Find your assigned seats Go directly to your seat Begin the day’s warm - up Desks will always be numbered (please do not tear these off the desk) Seating assignments will change throughout the year also
Classroom Procedure 4 To get your attention, I will clap my hands: When you hear my claps, stop what you are doing Lay your materials down (pencil, handout, etc) Become silent Look at me And repeat my clap pattern Now I know you are ready for my instructions!
Classroom Procedure 5 Leaving the Classroom Check your desk and the floor = must be clean Gather all your belongings TEACHER dismisses the class, NOT THE BELL! You will be dismissed by rows according to the day of the week Wednesday’s Row……. you are dismissed!
Housekeeping Issues: Forms Did anyone bring back the science syllabus contract? (Due 8/29/2014) Pass them in now using our procedure Remember, returning this form = first grade in science!!
Additional Classroom Procedures These are just a few of the basics…. As we spend more time in class together, I will explain and model new procedures each and every day Of course, we will have lots of opportunities to practice all of our procedures to ensure our classroom runs smoothly and efficiently!
Additional Classroom Procedures continued These will include such things as : Listening and responding to questions Participating in class discussions Indicating whether or not you understand Rotating stations Interactive notebooks
Classroom Behavior Expectations Be respectful Be productive Be prepared Be prompt Be open minded Be your best
Who are scientists? Discovery Ed Video clip – Mike Rowe
Real World Scientists in Action Let’s take a look at a few scientists and the important work they do each day!
Off to Save the Planet Rick West: An Arachnologist who studies tarantulas. e5aDjoArachnologist e5aDjoArachnologist
NOAA Nancy Kohler, PhD. : A Shark Researcher 3/08/meet_shark_scientists.html 3/08/meet_shark_scientists.html qI1v493Il0Z5UAPjmTUiHQ- 0BNWp3&v=lD7DeQuiAzg&feature=player_ embedded
Polar Bears International Dr. Andrew Derocher : A Polar Bear Researcher Oc&list=PLC056D96B688C48EF Oc&list=PLC056D96B688C48EF Dr. Martyn Obbard: A Polar Bear and Black Bear Researcher w&list=PLC056D96B688C48EF&index=3 w&list=PLC056D96B688C48EF&index=3
Discovery Education Various Volcanologists: study volcanos :// 8HXc :// 8HXc
Design Squad Nation Chris Gray: A Mechanical Engineer who builds roller coasters o9i9OcXk o9i9OcXk
National Geographic Sam Droege: A Bee Researcher FinCLzfI FinCLzfI
Ticket out the door….. Turn in your warm up sheet with your picture of a scientist into the basket along with your name tent! Have a great evening…..
Who are Scientists? Now it’s your turn to think of 1 word to describe scientists You are going to write your 1 word on a sticky You will come up when I call your row and add your sticky to our “Scientist Poster”
Definition of a scientist A scientist is a person who is an expert in one of the sciences: biology, physics, chemistry, history, etc. Scientists study the world, do experiments, create theories (explanations), and write about them in papers.
JMMS website You are going to get an index card… You will write down all these steps….. This is how you will.. the teacher…. find out what is going on in class…
JMMS website In search box: type James Martin Middle School Click on faculty / staff Scroll down to my name: Tracy Maas Envelope / Letter = Earth / Globe = wiki page