Lexington Partners for Prevention Youth Violence Prevention Initiative
PartnersPartners State Level: –Department of Mental Health – CAF Division, School- Based Services –Communities In Schools-South CarolinaCommunities In Schools-South Carolina –Department of Health and Environmental Control Local Level: –Lexington County Community Mental Health Center –Communities In Schools- MidlandsCommunities In Schools- Midlands –Lexington County School Districts 1, 2, & 4 –Lexington County Sheriffs Office –Department of Juvenile Justice
Goals and Objectives To create Partnerships between local agencies to develop activities that prevent violence and protect students from drugs, gangs, and violence. To support families within the school and community to promote a climate where youth can grow and prosper. To increase the knowledge of youth in the areas of life skills including violence prevention, conflict resolution, and problem solving skills.
Project Strategies Resources in the schools from community agencies –Lexington County Community Mental Health Center: Mental Health Professional Student concern Specialist –Communities In Schools – Midlands: Site Coordinator –Lexington Sheriffs Department: School Resource Officers
Project Strategies Training on Violence Prevention Initiatives –P.A.C.T. (Positive Adolescent Choices Training)P.A.C.T. ( –F.A.S.T. (Families and Schools TogetherF.A.S.T.
Project Strategies Community Advisory Teams –Plan specific strategies needed for each school.
Schools Served Lexington District 1: Gilbert Middle Pelion Middle Lexington District 2 : Busbee Middle PineRige Middle Lexington District 4: Sandhills Middle
Expected Outcomes Decrease in School Violence Decrease in referrals to Department of Juvenile Justice Decrease in acting out behaviors Increase in parental involvement in schools Improved parent/child relationships
Funding Source OJJDP Federal Grantor thru the Office of Public Safety $299,000 per year for 3 years In-Kind Funding: –SC DMH –LCCMHC –CIS-SC –CIS-Midlands –DHEC –Local Lexington County Sheriffs Office –Lexington School Districts 1, 2,& 4
Information Project Director: Elizabeth V. Freeman, MSW, LISW DMH Director of School-Based ServicesElizabeth V. Freeman Project Coordinator: Melissa L. Craft, MSW, LISWMelissa L. Craft Project Evaluator: Joan Pendergast, MSW, LMSWJoan Pendergast Executive Director of Communities In Schools –Midlands: Joan Hoffman Program Director of Communities In Schools – Midlands: Lynn Bonus Lynn Bonus Supervisor of School-Based Services, Lexington County Community Mental Health Center: Beth HookBeth Hook