Northwestern Oklahoma State University Northwestern Oklahoma State University Self-Study 2004
Northwestern Oklahoma State University is a community of learners that includes students, teachers, staff, administrators, and area citizens advancing learning excellence and preparing its members for service as leaders and entrepreneurs in the changing climate of northwest Oklahoma and the world. Northwestern’s Mission Statement
What is Accreditation? Accreditation asks the question, “Is Northwestern doing a good job now, and does it have the appropriate planning tools to still be doing a good job 10 years from now?”
What does HLC/NCA stand for? HHHHLC/NCA stands for: Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association.
What is HLC/NCA ? They are an independent agency of educators or experts who review other institutions to allow institutions to police themselves rather than being policed by the government to maintain high standards.
NWOSU Accreditation History: Northwestern’s last self-study was in This evaluation resulted in a maximum continued accreditation for 10 years.
Recently: Committees comprised of students, faculty, staff, and administrators were busy studying the institution to learn what the University is doing well, areas that can be improved, and how to best plan for the school’s future.
The Report The information gathered and written by the Committees during the University’s period of self-study has been published as the 2004 Northwestern Self-Study Report.
The CASTLE: C OMMUNITY FOR THE A DVANCEMENT OF S TUDENT AND T EACHER L EARNING E XCELLENCE The theme is designed around the landmark structure of the “Castle On The Hill.” The castle has come to symbolize the progressive spirit and perseverance of the Northwestern community.
Assessment is an important component of the accreditation process: Assessment results are used for making curriculum decisions, program modifications, or class offerings. These results allow us to be accountable for our success or the lack of.
Levels of Assessment: EEEEntry-Level assessment MMMMid-Level assessment EEEExit (Outcome) assessment
Why is the accreditation process important to you? Federal funding is only available to accredited schools. Students participating in federal programs can only federal programs can only attend accredited schools. attend accredited schools.
What could happen if NWOSU was not accredited? Fewer students attending. Fewer employed people in Northwestern communities. The economies of Alva, Enid, and Woodward and Woodward would be adversely would be adversely affected. affected.
What do you need to know for the team visit? Northwestern’s Mission Statement What the Castle means to Northwestern The Assessment process The team will visit with alumni, students, faculty, and staff on all 3 campuses.
When is the HLC/NCA team visit? AAAApril 19, 20, 21, APRIL 2004
How can I find out more? Go to the link on the NWOSU home page on the web. _Self_Study/Index.html
Thank You
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