doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 1 NOTE: Update all red fields replacing with your information; they are required. This is a manual update in appropriate fields. All Blue fields are informational and are to be deleted. Black stays. After updating delete this box/paragraph. Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6 Liaison Report Date Submitted: 20 July 2005 Source: Ho-In Jeon, Dept. EE, Kyung-Won University Address: ( ) San-65 Bok-Jung-Dong, Soo-Jung-Gu, Sung-Nam-Shi, Kyung-Gi-Do, Korea Voice: 82 – 19 – , FAX: 82 – 31 – , Re: [] Abstract:Liaison Report of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6 to IEEE Working Group Purpose:For the purpose of informing the body. Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P members to understand the standardization activities of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 2 ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6 Liaison Report July 20, 2005 San Francisco, California
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 3 Terms of References of SC6 WGs WG 1 Terms of Reference : Services and protocols in the OSI Physical and Data Link Layer. WG 7 Terms of Reference : Network and transport layer services and protocols. WG 8 Terms of Reference : Directory services and protocols. WG 9 Terms of Reference : Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) and Registration. SC6 is responsible for 284 published International Standards and 57 open project items
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 4 Memberships and Liaisons (1/2) 16 Participating members and 22 Observer members Internal liaison within ISO/IEC JTC1 –ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 17 –ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 25 –ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 29 –ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 31 Internal liaison within ISO/TCs and IEC/TCs –ISO TC 215(Health Informatics)
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 5 Memberships and Liaisons (2/2) External-Category A liaison –ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union -Telecommunication Standardization Sector) –ECMA International (European Computer Manufacturer’s Association) –ETSI (European Telecommunication Standards Institute) –IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) –OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) External-Category B liaison –SITA (International Society for Airline Telecommunication and Information) External-Category C liaison –IEEE 802 LMSC (LAN/MAN Standard Committee) –ATM Forum –FR Forum
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 6 An Event Happened. At July 4, 2004, China NB submitted Chinese WAPI (Wireless Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure: Chinese WLAN security standard) to JTC1 as an NP intending Fast Track. JTC1 issued the JTC1 number as 1N7506 in July As soon as JTC1 found that WAPI, as an NP, did not go through SC6, it voided the 1N7506 in August China NB claimed the unfair treatment. SC6 and JTC1 decided to resolve the issue in the Orlando meeting, Nov. 8, 2004
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 7 SC6 Plenary Meeting at Orlando Held in November 2004 at Orlando. China NB claimed –Failure to notify China NB and correct the procedure. –Unfair treatment by VISA denial to Chinese security experts –Possible Conspiracy between IEEE and US Government –Suspension of IEEE i Fast Track Decided to have Ad Hoc meeting at Frankfurt, Germany to have the technical discussion of WAPI and i
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 8 SC6 WG1 Interim at Frankfurt 15 security experts from China. 5 security experts from IEEE JTC1 Chairman 5 National Bodies China NB assumed that 1N7506 has been alive since last Orlando meeting. When they knew that it does not exist, they requested to make 1N7537 suspended indefinitely. The convener suggested 3 possible options, but not accepted by China NB.
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 9 Time-Line for the Standardization July 2004 Aug Aug IEEE i Letter Ballot Ends Aug Nov Mar June Feb Frankfurt Meeting: No Conclusion Made Orlando Meeting: Allowed Discussion of Technical Maturity WAPI Letter Ballot Ends Submit WAPI as the Fast Track WAPI Submit as an NP and Got 1N7506 IEEE i Submit as a Fast Track: 1N7537 SC6 Plenary In France 5 Months 1N7506 Voided Aug. 2004
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 10 Chinese Sue to the SMB and TMB China NB sued the case to TMB and SMB, the higher hierarchy of JTC1 in the last April. Results: –ISO decided to hold resolution meeting on May 17 (Tuesday), 2005 at Geneva. –The Geneva meeting was overlapped with IEEE , 15 Interim meeting at Cairns, Australia. –So, IEEE security experts could not attend.
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 11 Agenda of the Geneva Meeting Welcome and introductions (09:30) Review of JTC1 related events and procedures Review of SAC concerns and objectives Perspectives and expectations from IEEE, BSI, JTC1 (ANSI), IEC and ISO Review key issues and possible solutions (including way forward on suspended ballot of ISO/IEC Amd No. 6) Develop procedural action plan Adjournment (16:30)
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 12 The Resolutions (1/3) To establish a special group, to be convened by a person appointed by the ITTF, and comprising representatives of the national bodies of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 6, representatives of IEEE and representatives from the JTC1 Secretariat and the Central Secretariats of ISO and IEC, The special group will review the technical content of the two proposals, i.e. IEEE i and the Chinese WAPI-proposal and make recommendations to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 6 on how best to proceed. A desired objective of the special group is to develop a single technical solution acceptable to all parties,
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 13 The Resolutions (2/3) The recommendations shall be developed at a meeting prior to the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 plenary meeting in August 2005, tentatively planned for July 2005 in Beijing, China and submitted to the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 6 Secretariat prior to the committee’s meeting in August decides that the current ballot of Amd 6 to ISO/IEC shall continue to be suspended until the August 2005 plenary meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 6, prior to the SC6 meeting, SAC shall submit a document for potential fast-track ballot to ITTF to allow, if needed, initiation of a fast-track ballot on 07 September 2005,
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 14 The Resolutions (3/3) should SC6 not be able to provide a recommendation acceptable to the ISO and IEC Secretaries-General, then the fast-track ballot on Amd 6 shall restart on 07 September 2005 with the SAC fast-track document simultaneously initiated for fast-track ballot and to close at the same date, at the conclusion of the fast-track ballots, a joint comment resolution meeting shall be held to review the comments received on both proposals, IEEE and the JTC 1 secretariat note that exceptional steps are being taken outside the existing policies and procedures of the JTC 1-IEEE cooperative agreement,
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 15 Current Status The meeting has been determined to be held on August 8 – 12, 2005 at Beijing. No more than 6 SAC members from China. No more than 6 IEEE 802 members. No more than 2 delegates from P-member countries. Mr. Jan Van den Beld has been chosen as the convener of the Beijing meeting –1991 – today: Secretary General of ECMA – : Philips co-ordinator for IT standardization – : Manager of the development centre and the information centre in the main computer centre of Philips in Eindhoven.
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 16 Agenda of the Beijing Meeting Review of meeting objectives Presentation of Chinese WAPI project (document N....) Presentation of IEEE i (document N....) Examine possible technical solutions: –technical elements that may be harmonized into single approach –elements that may co-exist in ISO/IEC Possible drafting of a single proposed amendment to IEEE Recommendations to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 6 Close of meeting
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 17 Fundamental Limitations of the Beijing Meeting No conclusion can be made if China NB and IEEE agree upon a single consensus. –This ad hoc meeting is not allowed to make any decision based on any voting procedure. –The decision is rather based on consensus than voting. The final decision is validated only at the plenary meeting. Most probably, separate independent standard will be generated.
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 18 Next Step of SC6 Related mostly with Internet Infrastructure Technologies. –Specifications on LAN, MAN and WAN –QoS and Speed Enhancement for the Infra –Routing protocols (IS-IS and Inter Domain) –Message Handling Systems –Directories, and ASN.1 The work scope of WG1 on PHY and DL Layer is not enough for the future market including technologies supporting Ubiquitous Networking Environment. Ubiquitous Networking Environment requires not only the infrastructure but also the terminals which contains all the layers.
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 19 Proposal and Rationale to Extend Revised SC6 WG1 Terms of reference –Physical and data link layer services and protocols, and additional services and protocols running over these layers Rationale –WG1 Project Scope needs to be extended to cover diverse and fast changing market requirements in various IT areas including ubiquitous networking applications. –Since WG1 deals with network issues of Physical and Data Link Layer, it is rather easy to extend the scope to higher layers including application layers and services that require hardware specifications across the entire layers.
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 20 Next Meeting of SC6 Plenary August 29 – September 2, 2005 at Saint-Paul de Vence, France.
doc.: Submission July 2005 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 21 Any Questions?