IDAG Tracking Review  Groups have not yet submitted LOI  Avoid ‘temptation’ to regard as a Technical Design Review  Rules Specified –leave groups to.


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Presentation transcript:

IDAG Tracking Review  Groups have not yet submitted LOI  Avoid ‘temptation’ to regard as a Technical Design Review  Rules Specified –leave groups to work without IDAG ‘pestering’  Limit present exercise to extant material  Limit to RDR, despite limitations – [otherwise too open-ended]  ( not consider Beijing for example) *[not adhered to]  Light Touch  Given time [~40min presentations]  Limit to technologies, exclude concepts

Technologies break into three basic groups  Vertexing  Silicon pixels  Tracking  Silicon strips  TPC + other gaseous detectors [CluCou] One short summary of each (~10 mins)  Silicon PixelsEckhard  Silicon StripsRichard  TPCMikhail ILC Tracking

 PF Calorimetry, Missing Energy  Highly efficient tracking  P down to very low values, full solid angle  Mass, BR,.. Measurements [40% lum gain]   P t /P t 2 ~ /P t sin   Heavy flavour tagging  Full vertex topology reconstruction  Quark charge, even low P required  Etc.. ILC Tracking Requirements and technology choices driven by physics processes, background tolerance and bunch structure.

Not simple, but might be characterised by below Defined by physics requirements, - integrated concepts  Very low radius first layer [~2-3cm]  Vertex detector hit resolution ~ 4  m [impact param ~10  m]  Material budget ~ 5% central - ~20% forward  ~ 100  m accuracy throughout volume [better for main Si]  ~ >98% tracking efficiency  Two track resolution suited to PFA calorimetry [inside jets]  Multiple samples through bunch train required  Tolerant of anticipated machine backgrounds ILC Tracking/Vertexing Requirements

None Wait for groups to submit work Main questions which need to be addressed are outlined in RDR, ILC 2007 review etc.. ILC Tracking Conclusions