Baltimore Polytechnic Institute April 19, 2013 A Course U.S. History Mr. Green
Objectives: Indicate how America reacted to Pearl Harbor and prepared to wage war against both Germany and Japan. Describe the mobilization of the American economy for war and the mobilization of manpower and womanpower for both the military and wartime production. Describe the war’s effects on American society, including regional migration, race relations, and women’s roles. Explain the early Japanese successes in East Asia and the Pacific, and the American strategy for countering them. AP Focus Early in the war, Germany, Japan, and Italy have considerable military success. The Allies, except for France, which had surrendered in 1940, are fortunate not to be overwhelmed completely. Fearing that they will be disloyal, President Roosevelt orders the detention of Japanese Americans, a serious violation of basic American civil rights.
CHAPTER THEMES Unified by Pearl Harbor, America effectively carried out a war mobilization effort that produced vast social and economic changes within American society. Following its “get Hitler first” strategy, the United States and its Allies invaded and liberated conquered Europe from Fascist rule. The slower strategy of island-hopping against Japan also proceeded successfully until the atomic bomb brought a sudden end to World War II.
The students will analyze to what extent the Nixon administration increased or decreased tensions with Russia by explaining Nixon’s belief in Détente
How would you define the word STAGFLATION?
Women and teenagers less likely to take full time jobs with skills Declining investment in new machinery Heavy costs of compliance with safety/health regulations Shift from manufacturing to service Vietnam Great Society funding
Vietnamization withdraw the 540,000 troops in South Vietnam over an extended time period South Vietnam would then take over Nixon Doctrine US keep defense commitments but Asians and others would have to fight on their own Wanted to win by other means-Limit loss of life Nixon appealed to the Silent Majority My Lai Massacre revelation in 1970
North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong used Cambodia for troop/supply lines Supposed to be neutral U.S. bombed them on April 29, 1970 Kent State incident Withdrew on June 29, 1970 from Cambodia Hawks and doves battled Senate repealed Gulf of Tonkin resolution Gov’t reduced draft calls/shortened duty time 26 th amendment-1971 Pentagon Papers-June 1971 detailed blunders and deception of Kennedy and Johnson
Relaxed Tension Nixon was able to play off the Chinese and the Russians China and U.S. would normalize relations This caused concern for Russia US sold food to Russia
Identify the purpose, goal and outcome of each of the following treaties on page 1007: 1. Anti-Ballistic Treaty (ABM) 2. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) Explain Nixon’s position on Chile and the role of the Central Intelligence Agency Identify and state the outcome of the Supreme Court Cases on pages
1. Begin 1960’s chart 2.
Read Chapter 39 Prepare for 5 question reading check on Thursday Focus Questions due for chapters 36/37