1 Union Middle school Re-look at our village with Analytical perspective Class Nine
2 Goal Empower villagers towards self sufficiency Facilitate village commons to use waste to generate fuel for ever. Facilitate villagers to generate electricity.
3 Objective Ascertain information necessary for development of the village (primary data and secondary data) Understand its sources of income and infrastructure details Suggest village people how best they could use the resources available for fuel and light.
4 Survey Social workers and executives from the ministry of the non-conventional energy conducted a survey to understand the infrastructure facilities available for the villagers. They are divided into five groups and each group collected data based on the sample size distributed equally.
5 Sample survey Each group has divided the household based on the sample size in order to save time, energy and money. The confidence level of the survey is 95 per cent i.e sigma II where the end result would vary plus or minus five. Confidence interval 3 So the sample size for population 500(household) is 341
6 Analysis from the data collected
7 Distribution of Primary Occupation -
8 Primary source of Income
9 Distribution of Animals
10 Distribution of Fuel for cooking
11 From the data we understand This village has no electricity No LPG No one uses Gobar gas No one knows about using the Human waste and Animal waste for generating fuel for cooking etc. Hardly few heard about the non conventional energy sources
12 Non-conventional energy In order to provide fuel and light to the village the committee has recommended the following non- conventional model. Solar energy Hydro energy Tidal energy Wind energy Bio-gas Geo thermal
13 Feasibility study Feasibility study The committee has done a feasibility study based on the following factors Capital cost Operating cost Efficiency Energy storage Pollution Resources available Small scale feasibility Cost per customer
14 Comparative Matrix The committee used comparative matrix to logically derive at conclusion. It has zeroed in to Bio gas plant as it is –cost effective –Effective for fuel management –User friendly –low maintenance and Manageable –Availability of raw materials in the village
15 Rationale of Setting up Bio gas plant Animal waste Human waste are two major feeder raw materials 240 cattles produce 1000 tones of waste that is equal to setting up 20 Bio-gas plants in the village. From the above data this village has 2500 domestic animals that could produce approximately tones of waste that is equal to produce 208 small bio gas plant and equal no of tones of Human waste available to generate another 416 gas plants
16 Conclusion Therefore based on the conclusion the committee strongly recommend the village panchayat union to set up Bio gas plant The same would be demonstrated by the committee on a given date
17 Courtesy ors/conf_prop.html p undamentals_error.html sampling.asp