Malé Declaration 2 nd emissions inventory workshop AIT, Bangkok, 26 th – 28 th February 2007 Session 6 - QA/QC Application (and updates to Malé Manual and Workbook (now Version 2.2) Harry Vallack, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) University of York, UK
Most important changes are: Biofuel sulphur retention-in-ash:- now assumed to be negligible (not 40%) Made clearer that International civil aviation is not included in fuel combustion sheets (Worksheets – 1.1.1c) Ammonia (NH 3 ) emissions from coke production now included (India, Iran and Pakistan) ‘Process emissions from mineral products’ (cement kilns, brick kilns, lime kilns etc) – the default PM emission factors given in the Malé workbook include combustion as well as process emissions. (i.e. Double-counting problem) Food processing (cooked meat only) New FAOSTAT links Updated section on waste combustion
Solid biomass fuel sulphur retention-in-ash now assumed to be negligible
Ammonia emissions from coke production added
Double counting PM emissions from mineral products
Updated section on waste combustion 8.2 Procedure selected for use in this Manual The suggested procedure for estimation of annual emissions from the combustion of wastes includes the following steps: Estimate total amount of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated by multiplying the population whose waste is collected (i.e. the urban population) by a per capita MSW generation rate (country specific values are given in Annex 2A.1 of the draft 2006 IPCC guidelines Estimate the fraction of total MSW which is incinerated (some country- specific data are also included in Annex 2A.1 of the draft 2006 IPCC guidelines and a default of 5% would seem appropriate for most developing countries unless country specific data are given. Unless better information is available, assume this waste in burned in the open.
Updated section on waste combustion
Practical QA/QC session: Check that the IEA data you entered for your country’s baseline (2000) inventory conform with the principles learned from Exercise 3 (fuel combustion) and Exercises 4 (Fugitive emissions for fuel). Check that International civil aviation is not included in fuel combustion sheets (Worksheets – 1.1.1c) (Sheets ) Set biofuel sulphur retention-in-ash to zero (Sheets ) Check that cooked meat only is include under Food production (Sheet 2.6) Check for fuel combustion/process PM emissions for minerals production (double counting issue) Check waste incineration assumptions. Ammonia emissions from coke production (India, Iran and Pakistan)
Data checks for: Transcription errors – has the number been copied over accurately and in the correct format (i.e. do not use gaps for the thousands delineator [10000 not ] and you must use a dot ‘. ’ for decimal places not a comma ‘, ’) ‘Units’ errors – have you identified the source data units correctly (e.g. 1000s tonnes or tonnes; 1000s animals or head animals) and are they the same as required in workbook (or must they be converted first). [Also remember in the FAOSTAT database ‘MT’ = metric tonnes!!] Practical QA/QC session:
Have the correct conversion factors been used – double check your maths (e.g. for NCV: MJ/kg converted to toe/t). Did you record all references to activity data sources and non-default emission factors, S content of fuels or S retention-in-ash values in the tables provided at the bottom of each relevant worksheet (if not, make a note to do this when you get home). Practical QA/QC session: