Primary and Secondary Literature Finding good sources for research
Types of Scientific Literature Popular Science News Articles Interest Articles Books Meeting Abstracts, Papers, and Proceedings Research Articles Review Articles Encyclopedia or other reference material Books Reviews Textbooks
Primary Literature Report of original research Written by the person(s) who conducted the research Most reliable if published in a reliable peer-reviewed joural Example: original journal articles May be a full report or Brief/Note/ Letter
Secondary Literature Information others have written on the topic Resource that informs us of scientific research Science writing in newspaper, magazines, TV news, internet, etc Position papers, commentary, or review articles in peer reviewed journals
Writing Your Background Research Should be a summary of your topic of study Covers journal articles, books and other sources that describe the information that is currently known on the topic Can establish the validity of your research
What am I trying to find?? Sources that are related to your research topic They may be identical or may just contain information that is relevant for your topic. For lab reports Looking for background information What have other scientists done on this topic?
Primary or Secondary?
Do I need more primary or secondary sources? Both are useful Secondary sources can give you an overview of the topic Primary sources are most reliable and give more specific information
Searches Best to use key words Search synonyms Sometimes phrases work well Primary literature, in general shouldn’t be more than 10 years old unless it is a standard paper on which later research is based (source of later research ideas)
Searches Where do I look? PubMed Google Scholar Jstore TEL and Gale Both available through our school library
Understanding the parts of a Scientific Paper Abstract – Brief summary Introduction – Provides background information Materials/Methods – Lists protocols, techniques, and reagents used Results – Clearly summarizes the data generated from the experiments Discussion- Provides explanations for the results References- List Of Citations
What? I don’t get this article How to read an article to determine relevance 1. Search for key words in the title or well known scientists in the field 2. Read the Abstract! 3. Read the Introduction and Discussion (Conclusion) 4. Then if you think it is relevant, read other parts of the article as needed
What do I do today? 1. Practice search – environmental topic of your choice: by Block day, find 3 Papers ( at least one primary, Cite Them, & Write An Introduction Topic 1 Due Blockday 8/28-29/13 2. Find information for background research for your next lab report AP Biology: Behavior of Isopods APES: Acid Rain and pH in the environment You MUST have a minimum of three sources in your background information one of which must be primary. Textbook sources may be used in addition to your three sources, but not as one of the three Topic 2 & Lab Report Due Friday 8/30/13