A Conceptual Model for Innovation Research in the Bio-economy Van Lancker J., Viaene J., Hanseeuw E., Kips L. and Mondelaers K. 20.06.2013 www.ilvogenesys.be.


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Presentation transcript:

A Conceptual Model for Innovation Research in the Bio-economy Van Lancker J., Viaene J., Hanseeuw E., Kips L. and Mondelaers K

Content 1.Contextual factors 2.Innovation research and development 3.Conceptual model for innovation research 4.Empirical cases 5.Discussion 2

1. Contextual factors Influenced by different pressures, the economy based largely on petroleum is transitioning towards a diverse economy with renewable biomass as an important feedstock for both fuel and chemical production. To realize this transition, incremental innovations alone will not suffice. More radical innovations are crucial for a successful transition to a more sustainable system. The necessary applied innovation research is complex and will have to be organized on the interface of different disciplines. But the classic research models usually follow a linear process and are often restricted to a single discipline. To circumvent the barriers biotechnological inventions face and to identify the underlying bottlenecks, methodologically innovative research approaches are needed. 3

2. Innovation research and development Currently, most agricultural innovation researchers use a linear model of knowledge creation and transfer of technology. The results are techno-scientifically sound inventions, but are often inapplicable to real world problems. Main reason for the inapplicability: undiscovered bottlenecks which hinder the market adoption. These bottlenecks can originate from the six different dimensions of the dominant socio-technical regime. 4 Geels, 2007 xda-developers.com

2. Innovation research and development Identifying and developing solutions for the diverse bottlenecks, requires integrated knowledge of multiple scientific disciplines. Technology is also becoming increasingly complex and dynamic. Result: The traditional, linear, science driven approach with its uni- disciplinary focus and closed boundaries, is no longer sufficient. Innovation is increasingly approached from a systems perspective. System perspective: innovation process is nonlinear and iterative. Feedback loops are incorporated in the process to maximize learning and knowledge creation between collaborating partners. 5

2. Innovation research and development Multidisciplinary approach Stakeholder participation and collaboration - Multidisciplinary knowledge and expertise - Lower individual financial costs - Division of tasks - Faster time to market - Creation of legitimacy and credibility Non-linear and flexible trajectory Iterative learning loops key model elements networkmonitoring.org

2. Innovation research and development Multidisciplinary approach Stakeholder participation and collaboration Non-linear and flexible trajectory Iterative learning loops important key model elements

3. Conceptual model for innovation research 8 Bergek et al. (2008); Bruns et al. (2008); Gallagher et al. (2012); Fetterhoff and Voelkel (2006); Wallin and von Krogh (2010); Nambisan et al. (2012) and own insights The conceptual model

3. Conceptual model for innovation research Broad exploratory phase with two main objectives: Objective 1. Identification of viable innovation pathways Important criterion: Amount of bottlenecks that hinder development and implementation Determining bottlenecks: - Scanning relevant literature - Stakeholder participation Objective 2. Identification of relevant stakeholders Relevant stakeholders: - Identify bottlenecks - Provide supporting resources Primary sources: - Industry associations - Patent analysis - Expert interviews 9 The scope definition phase Innovation impulse Stakeholder selection

4. Empirical cases Case 1: The high-value valorization of vegetable and fruit by- products from the agri-food industry. Case 2: A valuable use for discards, valorizing unwanted and underutilized fish. Case 3: The valorization of by-products from agriculture and horticulture through composting Broad research goal

4. Empirical cases Which bottlenecks and opportunities are taking into account How were bottlenecks and opportunities identified Which stakeholders were identified How were stakeholders identified How were stakeholders consulted 11 Application of the scope definition phase

5. Discussion Opportunities and bottlenecks concerning innovation arise in all regime dimensions Multi-dimensional perspective: 12

5. Discussion The cases show how stakeholder participation can quickly expand the knowledge of the individual organization: - In case one an additional potentially valuable by-product of endive was discovered thanks to stakeholder interaction The importance of the scope definition phase as a networking phase, is also illustrated: - Both in case one and three the innovation network expanded due to acquired contact information from other stakeholders. Flexible nature of the research process is illustrated in the cases: - Case one and two narrow the different possible innovation pathways, while case three broadens the view to identify all potential bottlenecks and opportunities that different stakeholders experience. - Case one used a focus group to double check gathered data and to receive information, other cases relied on individual interviews. -Case three conducted some preliminary research in scope definition phase 13

A Conceptual Model for Innovation Research in the Bio-economy Thank you!