Name Event Date Name Event Date 1 Why the HIV/AIDS virus is smarter than you! Gudmund Hernes UNESCO HIV/AIDS COORDINATOR
Name Event Date Name Event Date 2 The perennial battle against microbes They are Small Many (Zillions!) Easily transported Mutate fast Can hide long Multiply quickly
Name Event Date Name Event Date 3 What does a virus want? To multiply and conquer the world! Cannot do it alone Must hijack a cell And multiply inside it Then burst out in thousands Each of which each can hijack another cell
Name Event Date Name Event Date 4 What does a stupid virus do? Kills its victim before it can it can infect another victim Can be spotted quickly Is easy to recognize Scares people to use barriers to stop the spread (e.g. by quarantine)
Name Event Date Name Event Date 5 SARS – a smart virus? Attacked young and old alike Spread rapidly from country to country 9000 infected / 900 died Scared the whole world Enormous losses to airlines and hotels
Name Event Date Name Event Date 6 Protective measures SARS highly infectious – person to person contact (sneeze, talk, touch, drinking from same glass) Short incubation period (8 days) Easy to detect (fever, headaches, shortness of breath) Fear of SARS triggered rapid – and drastic! – reactions
Name Event Date Name Event Date 7 People were quick to “cover-up” Few chances were taken for being contaminated People individually and collectively took measures to protect themselves Masks took on a “new look” The virus was to virulent and scary for its own success
Name Event Date Name Event Date 8 HIV – a successful virus? SARS killed some hundreds HIV/AIDS killed more than 20 million! HIV has conquered the world: 60+ million infected All countries affected HIV is all the time on the attack: more infected each day!
Name Event Date Name Event Date 9 HIV – a really smart virus! The medical reasons HIV is not particularly contagious: You have to do something to get it Simple precautions can avoid infection Long incubation period: 8-10 years Not visible or recognizable for a long time Infects, hides and multiplies in the body’s defense cells!
Name Event Date Name Event Date 10 A really smart virus 2 The social reasons: Main mode of transmission: sex Associated with passion and lust Associated with shame: Sex and sin We enjoy more doing it than talking honestly about it The best ally of the virus is prejudice So it is sustained by a conspiracy of silence: Shame associated with protection and Stigma and discrimination against infected
Name Event Date Name Event Date 11 The essential element: protection ! Protection from SARS is cumbersome Protection from HIV simple: - No unprotected sex - No sharing of needles
Name Event Date Name Event Date 12 Why HIV is smarter than you: Even smart people do not follow these rules:
Name Event Date Name Event Date 13 FOR EXAMPLE: MEDICAL STUDENTS – KNOWING ALL THE FACTS - YET: “More than half of male medical students don't practice safe sex on holiday” BMJ 2003;327:184 (26 July)
Name Event Date Name Event Date 14 To protect yourself, you have to be smarter than these medical students: To prevent sexual transmission of HIV, we need a combination of rules: “ABC” No promiscuity abstinence Be faithful Behavior change Put no-one in harms way Consistent condom use
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